Part 15 // plot twist

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As soon as I started to realise what was going on, I dropped on the ground of the bathroom. My heartbeat quickened and my head started to get giddy as I was looking at the positive stick in my hands.

When camp ended 2 and a half month ago, I thought that this whole drama was finally over, that I never had to see Zach ever again.
But this changed everything. Not only did Zach take my virginity that last night in the forest, he as well took my childhood.
With a smack Liv opened the door of the bathroom.
At this point I was hyperventilating.
"Audrey.. are you okay? I heard someone scream-"
Then her eyes fell on the pregnancy test I had in my hands. Her eyes met mine and she slowly shook her head in unbelieve. "Is that-.."
I nodded. Tears were running down my cheeks but I didn't even try to stop them.
Liv dropped next to me on the floor and pulled me in for a hug.
"I- I don't know what t-to do.." I cried.
She softly rubbed my back. "It's going to be okay"
I knew that she was just as sure about those words as me. In other words, not sure at all.
She kept rubbing my back, desperately trying to calm me down. And there we sat, on the cold ground of the bathroom, for a long time.

Eventually she pulled back and looked at me. "Let's go downstairs and get you some water."
I nodded slowly. She got up and pulled me with her.
With the help of my best friend I made it down the stairs, into the kitchen where I sat down and watched her taking a glass.
While filling it, she glanced over at me.
Eventually she passed me the glass of water and sat down in front of me. In silence we sat there for a while.
I slowly sipped my glass until it was empty. Liv kept looking at the ground.
"What?" I asked when she looked up and stared at me.
"It is Zach's am I right?" In her face I saw that she hoped she was wrong.
"Yeah.." I sighed.
She nodded and looked at the floor again. After a few more minutes she looked up again.
"When are you going to tell him?"
I dropped my jaw just to close it right after.
"I- I am not even sure if I want to.."
Her eyes widened. "Not?!"
I shook my head and shrugged. "Then he would be a part of my life again.. exactly what I didn't want him to."
"But wouldn't it be his baby too?"
I shook my head faster. "Oh no.. It is not! He decided to use me and not take me serious at all. Then why would I expect him to take this serious? He messed up.. too bad already." I placed my head in my hands. "I just think it's better that her doesn't know about it at all.
He doesn't exist for me anyway."
I felt tears coming up again when my memories about Zach popped into my brain again. I closed my eyes to hold them back and pretended the tears were just there because of my over-sensitive pregnant being.
Pregnant.. and because of Zach! Out of all people.
I sighed.
Zach didn't care about me. I haven't heard from him since camp.. not even a message.. so why would I care about him?
Liv took my hand and I quickly recovered myself again.
"It's okay Audrey.. We'll get through this. I'll be here for you whenever you need me."
I smiled weakly and wiped a lost tear from my cheek. "Thank you.. what would I be without you?"
She giggled softly. "You'd be a complete mess. Even more than you are now."
I chuckled. The funny thing was that she was actually right.

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now