part 24 // plot twist

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I was twisting and turning around in my bed in the middle of the night. I had no idea what time it was.
Late.. that in any case.
The baby was kicking, it kept me awake for the whole night already. Every time I fell asleep for about 10 minutes, I woke up again by the baby or a pain in my back or Reese words that were repeating in my head.
"Zach loves you a lot."
Now I was laying there, in the bed of a huge strange house, with a sudden urge for carrots.
I considered getting up and go to the kitchen to search for carrots.
But if I did and I got caught, there would probably follow a few very awkward moments. Plus, maybe if I didn't get caught I would end up eating all the carrots. Then when Myta wanted to make carrots, she'll notice that they're all gone. I didn't want to cause trouble..
But my urge for carrots didn't stop, I just need to eat some right now..
I got up with a groan and strumbled downstairs in complete darkness.
If I'd trip, I'd wake up the entire house.
Fortunately I made it to the kitchen without falling and breaking a bone or so.
Now I only had to find the light switch. I felt with my hands over the wall until suddenly someone turned the lights on.
I jumped up and turned around.
Zach was standing there with his hand still on the light switch. "Hey.."
I blushed a bit. He could think I was creep or something like that for sneaking into the kitchen and steal some food while this is only the first time being here.
"H-hey.." I scratched my neck. "Sorry I couldn't sleep.."
"Me neither." He said with a small smile. "So you came here so get some food?"
I blushed more and shrugged. "I'm sorry... this is not something I usually do.. I- I was just craving for some carrots.."
Zach chuckled softly and walked over to the fridge. "It's okay.." He took a bunch of carrots and gave one to me. He took one for himself as well. "Who wouldn't be longing for carrots in the middle of the night?"
I giggled quietly and took a bite of my carrot. "Thanks.."
Before my pregnancy I didn't even like carrots... why now, when I was at Zach's house, I felt like eating them?
I eat the whole carrot and looked over at Zach.
"You want more?" He chuckled.
I nodded. "If that's okay.."
He gave me another one and I ate that one whole as well.
"I am sorry if I woke you up by the way.." I said while taking my third carrot.
"No it's okay.. I was awake anyway. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."
I smiled a bit and looked at the floor.
He jumped up and sat on the counter with a subtle movement. "You know what.. I was actually thinking about you."
I raised my head to face him. His cheeks were cutely rosy.
"Me? Why?"
He shrugged. "Well there is a lot to think about when you just found out you're going to be father.."
I looked down. "I told you I'm sorry.. it was a stupid decision to not tell you."
"That is not what I meant." He scratched his neck. "I mean.. I was thinking about the future... I wish we didn't end that way.."
I shrugged again and felt my eyes filling up with tears.
Me too Zach, me too..
"After all it was just a game.." I mumbled.
He sighed and nodded.
Then he raised his head again and looked into my eyes. "I- I missed you Audrey... I thought you should know.."
I swallowed my tears back, for so far I could. I didn't know what to say.
I just nodded and stared straight at the ground.
After a few moments Zach noticed that he wouldn't get an answer back so he continued.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you.."
What did he want me to say? That I missed him too? That I still loved him? That he entirely broke me to the certain point where I couldn't stop crying for days?
"How can you say that Zach? You had a girlfriend remember? Sarah? I guess I meant enough for you to just get replaced b-by the first to cross your path.." my voice broke.
I instantly regretted. Because it wasn't fair to mention Sarah right now while only a few hours ago she has given me a honest apology for everything she caused between me and Zach.
But also because I could see a spark of pain flickering in his eyes.
It didn't matter. I already said it. Now he could feel like I felt for these 8 months.
Zach looked down at his hand and sighed. "yeah.. that was pretty stupid of me."
"It was.." I mumbled.
Tears where filling up my eyes again but this time I didn't have the strength to hold them back anymore.
Zach still looked straight at his hands.
"I'm so sorry Audrey. The only reason I got back together with her was because I tried to get you of my mind.. I was broken by the things I did and she was there with open arms to catch me."
He looked up and saw the tears rolling down my cheeks.
Immediately he jumped off the counter and pulled me into a hug.
"I am so sorry.." he repeated several times.
I didn't hug back.
I couldn't.
It hurted too much.
We stayed there for a little longer. Although his hug was soft and warm, I couldn't relax. I just wanted to cry more.
Eventually he pulled back. "I messed up so much.."
I shook my head while holding back a sob. "It's okay-y..."
"No it is not.. I lost you. I fell in love with you and I lost you by a stupid game. I shouldn't have made that bet. I should have ran after you. I should have called or send a text. But instead I let you go and tried to forget about you. That was the stupidest thing ever!"
He was crying as well now. Now it was my turn to hug him.
An uncomfortable hug, but it was a hug.
Soon we pulled away again.
"Look Audrey.. I love you. I've always loved you. From the day we met when we were 13, I fell for you and I've loved you ever since. If only I could have figured that out sooner.. please give me a second chance and I'll proof it to you."
I rubbed my tears away.
"Please.." he said again when I didn't answer.
"I don't know if I can trust you anymore.. I don't wanna waste any more time." I sobbed.
The honest truth.
Zach looked me straight into my eyes.
"I'd marry you.." he whispered.
My jaw dropped.
"I'm serious. We could have a future together... you, me and the baby. You're the love of my life and I don't want to loose you again."
I looked down at the ground.
"Zach, I-"
He cut me off by gently lifting up my chin.
"Marry me Audrey.."

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now