part 27 // plot twist

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After a good 10 minutes I heard something at the door.
I was still laying on the ground, waiting for my next contraction to hit me. I really hoped it wasn't just pregnancy pain and that I didn't call Zach to come over for nothing.
I got up and walked to the door, my arms around my stomach.
As soon as I opened the door I looked straight into Zach's worried face.
He pulled me in a hug. "Are you okay?"
I hugged back and nodded. "For so far I could be.."
He pulled back and looked at me. "You look exhausted."
"Uhm thanks.."
"No no wait I don't mean it that way just.. making sure you're really okay."
I chuckled a bit. "It's ok I know. I haven't slept in a few days but apart from that I'm doing just fine."
But as soon as I spoke out those words another contraction kicked in and I shrinked to the floor.
Zach bended down next to me.
"I think we gotta go to the hospital."
He softly rubbed my back while I was calming down.
I got up and took a deep breath.
Zach didn't hesitate for a moment more and picked me up bridal style. Without resisting, I pulled my arms around his neck. As long as I didn't have to walk all those stairs, I was happy.
Zach carried me downstairs in his arms. I was surprised by how strong they were.
I didn't expect him to be able to carry me, as I wasn't the most lightweighted person walking around on this earth.. left alone with this baby inside of me.
He gently put me into his car and got in on the other side.
I just closed my eyes and laid my head against the headrest.
Zach closed the door and stayed silent for a while. I opened my eyes again and caught him staring at me.
He quickly turned his head away and started the car.
I cleaned my throat.
"I'm sorry that you couldn't call me.. I forgot to unblock your number."
He nodded. "It's all okay."
I sighed and stared out of the window.

Zach was driving a lot faster than he actually should, which made that we arrived at the hospital faster than expected.
I was just suffering under another contraction as he parked the car.
He took my hand and gave it a soft squeeze. "Are you okay?"
I groaned. "I'm going into labour, Zach."
I squeezed my eyes shut while Zach was softly rubbing my hand.
"Keep breathing.."
I took a deep breath and slowly but surely the contraction faded away.
"I am scared Zach.." I had tears in my eyes.
"Don't be. You will do amazing. I will be with you if you want me to."
I nodded.
"Let's go in.."
Zach helped me out of the car and while holding my hand, he walked me into the waiting room.
I sat down, one hand still being held by Zach, the other firmly wrapped around my belly.
In less than a minute, a nurse came in and as soon as she saw me sitting like that, she called us in and told me to lay down on a hospital bed.
Zach sat down next to me without letting go of my hand for a single second.
A new contraction hit in and I squeezed his hand like crazy. I saw him squeeze his eyes shut in pain but yet he didn't tell me to let go.
"Why do they say it's just like period cramps? It's nothing like it!"
I muttered underneath my breath.
Zach softly rubbed my hand, calming me down. "It's gonna be okay it will be over soon."
The contraction faded again and I calmed down.
Another nurse came in and did a quick check up.
"3 centimeters.. it seems like you'll have to wait some more." She eventually said when she finished. "I'll take you to another room. You're boyfriend can come too."
She looked over at Zach.
"Oh no no..." I blushed slightly. "He is not my boyfriend."
Apparently everyone was thinking that.
"Husband?" The nurse tried again.
Zach was awkwardly facing the floor and I cleaned my throat. "Nope."
"Oh I'm so sorry.." she seemed a little embarrassed. "I'm just going to bring you to the room."
She pushed the bed and rolled it through the hallway. Zach followed like a loyal dog.
The nurse rolled me into a private room. Zach sat down on the chair next to my bed.
"Are you okay?" He took my hand again and rubbed it.
I slightly nodded. "For the millionth time." I chuckled.
He smiled a bit and looked at my baby bumb. I followed his eyes and smiled softly. I pulled his hand, which I still held and laid it on my belly.
He smiled more, spraid his fingers and softly rubbed over my stomach.
The baby kicked almost immediately as a response to his movements.
I smiled more when I saw his shocked face.
"I- I think I felt it." He smiled the widest smile.
"I know." I giggled. "Soon the baby will be her."
He continued rubbing over my stomach. Then he leaned in and laid his head on my belly.
"Hello there little one."
My smile softened and I played softly with his hair while he was whispering cute stuff to the baby inside my belly.
I could stay like this forever.

But my body didn't agree with that, as after a few more minutes another contraction kicked in.
Zach quickly got up again and took my hand. I flinched and squeezed it.
"I am sorry.." He rubbed with his other hand over my hand.
"It's okay.." I groaned.
I squeezed his hand again.
"Should I call a nurse?" He asked a bit worried.
"Zach it's just a contraction."
But it was too late as Zach already pushed the button for a nurse to come.
I was still suffering under the contraction with Zach rubbing my hand softly, when the nurse came in. A different one than the first..
She did another quick check up and gave me and Zach a comforting smile.
"4 centimeters.. it'll take some longer. You don't have to worry." Then she turned to me. "Typical.. we get that a lot when boyfriends are too worried and they push the button for no reason."
I blushed and looked down while I heard Zach sighing next to me.
"Oh wait.. you two are not..?"
I looked up and shook my head. "Nope."
"Oh sorry.." she said in embarrassmet.
I chuckled a bit. "It's okay you're not even the first one."
9 months ago he was my boyfriend though.. even tho it was pretended.
I looked over at Zach and caught him staring at me again but he quickly turned his head away.
I sighed and let go of his hand to pull them over my stomach.
Just a few more hours and my baby would be born and there was a big chance it wouldn't even have a father..

Playing Games // a Zach Herron fanfic // Finished ✨Where stories live. Discover now