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Note: [Text] = Thoughts-one-has | [Text]= Thoughts-one-has-but-doesn't-want-to-acknowledge-it

Wei Wuxian had expected to die on the Siege at Burial Mounds. Heck, he wanted it! So why in Lan An's name was he waking up to find himself in a staring contest with a definitely younger version of the Jiang siblings?

[Oh my god, Shijie is alive and not deadde addeadeA —]

Wei Ying was so done with his life.

Regardless, Wei Wuxian was not happy waking up in the past. He was even less than happy finding out that it wasn't actually a dream as he first thought it was.

The Jiangs were not amused by the subsequent (silent) tantrum.

Wei Ying couldn't help it, okay! He just wanted to die in peace. Was that really that hard to understand?! And why could he feel Burial Mounds calling to him?!

...And things got worse when a younger (but oh so innocent) version of Wei Ying walked in the room nonchalantly. [He would forever deny the fact that he felt pity course through his veins when the naive soul walked in. After all, it wouldn't be long before everyone left him alone, and Wei Ying hated being alone. But it's better to get used to it now than suffer later.]

Needless to say, it was a confusing day for everyone.

"Have you calmed down now?" Madam Yu says distastefully, but even the dislike was welcomed by the Yiling Patriarch.

After all, something was better than nothing.

And Wei Wuxian had nothing in his life. [Except A-Yuan, but even he was taken from him, just like the Wen Remnants. Everyone was gonegoNeGonE]

The Jiangs, on the other hand, were freaking out even as they tried their best to maintain a composed outlook.

Because in front of them was an older (but severely injured and just where was his golden core?!) version of their Wei Ying.

And time travel was not possible, Wei Ying, so stop revolutionizing the world!

More importantly, this Wei Wuxian was not the same as their Wei Wuxian and it was freaking them out, because this child was cloaked in loneliness and goddammit Wei Ying, just tell us what happened to your golden core!

Later, all of them realize that somehow Wei Wuxian, had somehow travelled 5 years in the past (and the Jiangs refused to believe that he didn't have a hand in it) and that for whatever strange reason, nothing happened when the two Wei Yings were facing each other.

[And here they thought that changing the past would bring disastrous consequences, but here was a future Wei Wuxian tainting their timeline with his presence with not a care in the world. Madam Yu was grudgingly impressed.]

But it also didn't get rid of the wrongwrongwrong at seeing a dull-eyed Wei Wuxian.

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