Chapter 1

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Bucky's P.O.V.

"BARNES! ROGERS! Get your gear on! We have to go. Something just showed up in the radar." Tony Stark is yelling Steve and I, who are already getting our gear on. We loaded into the Quinjet, wondering what's going on. "Hey Stark, mind telling us what's happening?" I asked. "Well, I got a signal on my radar saying there was a disruption in the field around the outside of Manhattan. On a little island in the Sound. It's Hydra." Steve looked at him. "Hydra? I thought they were all in custody or dead." They're supposed to be, but I want to check it out anyway." I didn't say anything. Memories of what they did to me kept going through my head. The command words, even though they won't do anything, still frightened me the most. We sat there, discussing the layout of the abandoned building, until the jet landed. The hatch opened, and we walked out. "Remember Buck. They can't hurt you any more." Damn. He saw straight through me. Like always. "Thanks pal." I said weakly. Tony blasted the doors open, and seeing no lights or alarms, we just walked in. Stark turned on the lights of his helmet, and stood shocked at the sight that met us. Hundreds of people lie dead. Not one person was alive. We walked to a hallway and stopped. In the other end was a dead end leading to a single door. We tiptoed silently to the door, opening it cautiously. Inside, was something I remember all to well. The Chair. The one they strapped me to to erase my memory and put that stuff in my head. Behind it was different than I remember. A metal tube sat there, with pipes hooked up to it. I wiped the frost off of the little window. Inside was a.... girl. No older than 17, but by the tech that was used in here, it looked like she was frozen some time in the 1940's. Like me.

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