Chapter 1

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I can't exactly remember what happened, or how I ended up in this dark and dingy room, but I know for a fact that I am alive. Living and breathing. One thing, however, which doesn't seem to make any sense whatsoever is why I am in this location instead of in a hospital. Surely after a car accident I should be waking up inside an annoyingly brightly lit, white room with various different medical machines beeping and whirring around my bed. Instead, I'm here, in a near empty room, well, an empty room as far as the eye can see in the darkness; with only brief fragments of my memories prior to seeing the deer in the road.

I manage to push myself up into a sitting position, with what little strength I have, and immediately reach my hands up to cradle my pounding head in an attempt to stabilise my spinning vision, after the sudden upward movement. Once I regained a steady picture of the darkness that surrounded me, my eyes drifted over the tatty white envelope which was placed on top of a standard wooden side table, which would be typically found beside the sofas in a living room as a place to put your mug, glass or plate when you got bored of simply holding it. Gingerly, I reached for the crumpled envelope, only for my eyebrows to furrow in a confused expression when there appeared to be no name on the paper as for who it was addressed to. I turned the envelope over and slid the piece of paper out before proceeding to unfold it, hoping it held some form of explanation as to how and why I am in this place instead of a flippin' hospital.

Dear Whoever is reading,

I know that you are probably freaking out right about now regarding where you are and why you aren't where you should be. I am pleased to say that there is some sort of simple explanation for this, one of which is simple but will probably be very hard to comprehend.

The body that you now find yourself in, used to be mine.

I'm sorry to say but I have no idea how this is possible, but what I do know is that you need to be careful. VERY careful. I'm having to write this in a rush, due to circumstances, but I'm writing this letter to you for your survival! Be careful and vigilant.

I wish I had time to explain more but the rest is uh.. Complicated.

Good luck

Well that explains everything a lot better! NOT! A million different thoughts are spinning around inside my mind after reading the quickly scrawled writing on the paper. What on earth do I do now?!

A series of metallic noises echoed around the room in which I was currently residing in. My head whipped round to try and figure out where I could hide to avoid being found and whatever else these people wanted with the previous inhabitant of this body. My eyes locked upon a rusty ladder which was attached to the wall to my right and led up to some sort of hatch in the ceiling. Without a second thought I shoved the letter into the back pocket of my jeans and took off towards the ladder before carefully climbing up, so as to limit the sound of my boots clinking against the railings. Thankfully the hatch wasn't fastened so I pulled myself through it and carefully laid it back in place after I was through.

"Where the hell did she go?!" A rough voice questioned in frustration at the fact my body was no longer lying on top of the metal table.

"How am I supposed to know? She was dead the last time I checked on her, so unless she magically came back to life and found a way out, I don't know what happened to her." Another voice spoke in exasperation at the current situation they both found themselves in.

"Winston go brief the others and track her down no matter what it takes! She cannot be allowed to go free, not again!" The rough voice spoke again as they both exited the room causing me to breathe a sigh of relief and slump against the wall I had been sat against. I made sure that the letter was still in my back pocket before standing up and wandering along the narrow corridor that I now found myself in. My hand felt along the wall as I went, to prevent any unnecessary collisions with any potential obstacles that I might find unexpectedly in the dark.

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