Author's Note

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Hey Guys!

So, 26,878 words and 17 chapters later, 'Unforeseen Circumstances' has come to an end!

I'm also so surprised and grateful for the 200 reads that it has received as I've been updating it! I never thought it'd get that many in the beginning!

When I first started this book, I started with a prompt from the Open Novella Contest prompt list in order to enter that competition. But aside from entering the competition, I know this may sound cheesy, but I wanted to rediscover my passion for writing that I used to have as a child. However, due to school commitments such as GCSEs and A-levels I didn't have any time to write as I was nearly always studying or relaxing when I got the chance.

So thanks to the Open Novella Contest I have rediscovered my passion for writing and, due to this lockdown, I have been able to give my time and attention to this book as all my exams were cancelled and alternative grading systems are being used. 

As a result of these different elements, 'Unforeseen Circumstances' is definitely my first finished book and an entry that passed the first round of the ONC, but it is so so much more than that to me. This is because I have fallen in love with the storyline, the characters and everything that they have endured and without the ONC this book wouldn't have existed and I wouldn't have fallen in love with writing again.

Writing Chapter 17, I had planned to do another chapter to round things out but I loved how Chapter 17 ended and saw no need and went straight for the Epilogue. Writing Chapter 17 and the Epilogue was a bit emotional, personally, because it finally hit home that this journey that Faith, Devon, Naomi, Brent, Reece and the others have been on was finishing. It also hit home of what I had accomplished. I mean, finishing writing your first book, however bad or good it may be, is a massive achievement in itself! 

Enough of the cheesy stuff now haha. 

I just want to thank everyone who has decided to give 'Unforeseen Circumstances' a read and to all of you who have given it a read later down the line. It really does mean a lot to know that people are reading, even if you are silent readers, as it means you are enjoying the storyline as much as I have enjoyed creating it for you all!

Finally, it has been a pleasure to create the sarcastic and stubborn character of Faith and watch her tackle everything life threw at her with some, slight form, of grace haha.

But, you know what they say, the ending of the story is just the beginning.

Until next time everyone!


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