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A couple of weeks later

I sat, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the main area of the Resistance, a journal in one hand and a pen in the other, whilst a mug of coffee was propped on the floor next to me as I jotted down various different thoughts and feelings.

Since being discharged from the hospital wing, Devon stayed true to his word and barely left my side for the first week. Eventually I wanted some 'me' time back, so it took a great deal of persuasion to get the raven-haired man to go and live his life without me for a couple of hours a day whilst I relaxed on my own. It's fair to say that he was not thrilled, in the slightest, with this new desire of mine as I'm pretty sure he feared I could be taken away from him at any point in time after what we had endured in such a short period of time. So whilst he was off doing various jobs around the Resistance, I had taken up journaling to try and calm my anxious thoughts and the guilt that still manifested in me as a result of how much everyone had been, and still is, worried about me after the reverse. I'd also regained the ability to talk a few short days after I had been discharged from the hospital wing, so at least I could check the whole Devon-might-leave-me thing off of my list of things to worry about.

As I sat against the wall, hidden away, but still able to watch the daily activity of the Resistance, I felt the presence of someone lower themselves to sit next to me. I turned my head so that I could take in the face of the man who had been the cause of so much happiness in my otherwise topsy-turvy life.

"Journaling again Fay?" He asked as he draped his left arm over my shoulders to bring me into his side. I smiled at his obvious statement. When I started having panic attacks and nightmares of the reverse, the doctors had suggested I try journaling to relieve some of the anxiousness and stress that was swirling around inside my mind. Devon, needless to say, was happy that I had found an outlet for the thoughts that were causing me so much pain and sleepless nights, but wasn't thrilled, however, that I was confiding more in my paper journal than in him.

"Shhh, it helps okay? Name the last time I woke up in the middle of the night unable to sleep? Hmm," I sassed back at the man who was sitting next to me as he rolled his eyes at my comment.

"Now that, my darling, is because you've been refusing to sleep in your own room because, and I quote, 'sleeping in your arms make me feel safe and protected'," Devon replied, using one of his many endearing nicknames for myself, as he changed his voice into a higher pitch to try and mimic my voice. I elbowed him in his side, jokingly, at his poor attempt to mimic me, which simply caused him to chuckle.

"Firstly, I do not sound like that! And secondly, you help me feel protected during the night, whilst the journal helps to calm my restless thoughts during the day time," I responded, earning another eye roll from the raven-haired man beside me. Knowing that it was highly unlikely that I'd get anymore writing done, now that Devon had decided that he'd had enough time without me, I closed the journal and placed it next to my coffee mug as I picked up the mug and changed position, so I was sitting with my back against Devon's chest, sitting between his outstretched legs.

This peace, sitting here with the man I loved, after everything we'd been through was definitely worth the decision to risk going through with the reverse. In my opinion, things couldn't have worked out any better than they did.

But, you know what they say, the ending of the story is just the beginning.

Unforeseen CircumstancesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora