Chapter 3

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Devon handed me a glass of water, which was barely below room temperature making it not the most enjoyable glass of water I had ever had, however, between arriving at this hideout and now, Devon had left to find someone who was apparently in charge of this place. Once he eventually joined me again, with the glass of water, he had a woman with him, just a bit shorter than he was but when her face lit up with a smile I immediately established the fact that she obviously had some sort of connection to Rosie, the previous inhabitant of this body.

"Just to be clear, I am someone called Faith Richards who was somehow transferred into Rosie's body after I died in a car accident." I informed the blonde in front of me as I really wanted to avoid disappointing anyone else with the news that Rosie no longer inhabited her own body, therefore meaning she was most likely dead, or in limbo waiting for some sort of mission to be fulfilled so that she could return to her body. The woman's facial features softened and became somewhat less bright than they had been previously, indicating that Devon quite clearly hadn't informed her of this predicament we all faced. I tilted my head in Devon's direction and raised my eyebrows in questioning at the fact he couldn't seem to convey such a key piece of information to this woman.

"Hey! Chill out! I had all the intentions of telling her about that small inconvenience but as soon as she saw me open my mouth she jumped to conclusions and tore out of the room with me in her wake!" He defended himself as he threw his arms above his head in a surrender action.

"Look, it really wasn't his fault Faith," She began as she shook her head before realising she had yet to tell me her name and her connection to Rosie "My apologies, my name is Naomi Blake, Rosie's older sister."

After I was alerted to Naomi's information and her connection to the body in which I now occupied, I had to try my best to prevent my jaw dropping open in a surprised/ guilty expression. To say this was now an awkward situation would be an understatement. Here I was in her sister's body with no business carrying on whatever life she had previously led before she signed off and let me take over. I moved my mouth trying to form a coherent sentence in response to this new information, only to fail miserably at the task.

"No, you don't need to say anything. Faith, my sister always had a habit of finding her way into situations which were way too dangerous, even for her. Now I am sure you are most definitely wondering as to why she is being hunted tirelessly by the Myriad, am I right?" Naomi asked as she took a seat next to me on the tatty sofa.

"Yes please, I mean if I'm going to be stuck in her body for the foreseeable future it would be nice to know what I am up against." I replied as I ran my hand through my now, short blonde hair. Naomi took a deep breath before beginning the story of how Rosie got into such a sticky situation, shall we say.

"Ever since we were children, there was always something about Rosie that set her apart from the others her age. It wasn't until we were in our teens that her abilities, should we say, began to show through." Naomi began only for me to interrupt her with a question regarding what she had already explained.

"Umm, what 'abilities' might those be? Just so I don't randomly start shooting lasers out of my eyes or whatever," I commented as the two people in front of me chuckled at my slightly over-the-top freak out.

"Relax Faith, not the 'magical' sort of abilities, just the gifted and talented kind. She was always incredibly intelligent which started the whirlwind of events which led up to our current situation. Someone found out about her hacking skills and over-developed intellect and therefore decided they would take advantage of it for their own sinister gains. However, she wouldn't let them get ahold of it easily, hence her committing the majority of her life to running in order to prevent them from gaining access to knowledge for the wrong reason." Naomi explained, in a shorter version to prevent her having to explain the story in an exhaustive and long winded way.

"Faith, you okay?" Devon asked from where he was perched on the arm of the tatty sofa behind Naomi, arms crossed over his chest with a puzzled look upon his facial features. I took a while to finish processing the information that I had just received before shaking my head slightly to clear my thoughts.

"Um, uh, yeah I think I am. Just a lot to take in is all." I replied simply. They looked between each other before Devon turned to face me with a sigh, allowing me to realise that there was, in fact, more to this situation than I first thought.

"Now, I know you may think of this predicament as kind of wrong-place-wrong-time, but that is not the case and there is a way to put you back into your own body and to restore Rosie back to this body." He informed me. For, God knows how many times, my jaw dropped, seemingly to the ground as it hit me that I was actually dead and that there was a way to reverse all of this. I stood up from where I was sitting on the sofa, across from Naomi and Devon and began to pace back and forth in front of it. A thousand and one thoughts were pinging around inside my mind as this revelation.

I jumped as a hand was gently placed on my shoulder, breaking me out of the trance I had previously fallen into. I turned my head to find Devon looking at me with concern in his eyes, no doubt to do with my excessive pacing and muttering to myself.

"You don't seem okay," He stated simply to which I slightly smiled at his bluntness.

"Well I have just been informed that my life has been thrown upside down so surely this is the expected reaction?" I replied with my arms crossed over my chest in a sassy manner, trying my best to make light of the situation that we all currently found ourselves in. Devon huffed but nodded his head in agreement.

"So what do we need to do in order to resolve this predicament and get me back into my own body and restore your sister and friend back to her own body?" I asked as I looked between the two who briefly glanced between themselves before looking at me with smiles plastered on their faces at my willingness and determination to help them.

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