Chapter 14

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I stood staring at my reflection in the mirror that had been haphazardly strung up on the wall in the room that had become mine and Naomi's. My hands tugged on the black polo shirt that I was wearing, subconsciously hoping that it would spontaneously expand and swallow me whole in order to prevent me from having to go through with the reverse. I took in my appearance, the short, dirty blonde hair, that I had come to recognise as my new hair color, was pulled back into a low ponytail, to keep it from falling into my eyes and distracting me. I had on a black polo shirt, paired with dark green jeans and heeled black ankle boots. As I stood in front of the mirror, the door behind me opened and a familiar raven-haired man slipped into the room and wrapped his arms around my waist before resting his head on my shoulder and looking at me through the mirror. I offered him a soft smile as my hands rested on his hands that were clasped around my waist.

"You know you don't have to go through with this if you don't want to, right?" He tried to persuade me to change my mind once again, just like he had been doing every hour since I had woken up in the hospital wing yesterday.

"You know that's not an option Dev," I spoke softly as I looked down at our hands, my fingers absentmindedly tracing various patterns on his hands. I felt him sigh as he turned me around to face him properly, instead of looking at each other through a reflection. I reluctantly lifted my head so my eyes met his, knowing that fear and concern would be the primary emotions in his eyes.

"Well it was worth one last shot," He responded as we both let out half-hearted chuckles. In this moment, just him and I, I uttered the words that I had yet to utter to anyone about the reverse and this entire situation.

"I'm scared Dev," I whispered, making it hard for anyone except him to hear what I had just uttered. I heard him suck in a sharp breath as I rested my head against his chest, savouring the limited time we had before we had to go to the main area for the reverse.

"Oh Fay. No one expects you to be okay with everything that is happening, even if you gave your consent," Devon comforted as he tilted my head so that I was, once again, looking him in the eyes. I let out a sigh in agreement and nodded my head, not trusting myself to string too many words together without stuttering and truly showing how scared I was.

"Don't leave me during the process Dev," I pleaded, not wanting to go through this without someone by my side. At this point I craved all the moral support I could get, what with the seriousness of the situation quickly dawning upon me.

"I won't ever leave you to fend for yourself if I have a say in the matter Fay." The raven-haired man reassured me moments before he leant his head closer to mine so that his lips could capture mine in a soft and gentle kiss. This single kiss spoke volumes. Conveying everything we both felt, without the need for words. It provided the motivation I needed for the reverse to work as I knew that I had someone to survive for and it wasn't simply a matter of me, myself and I anymore. It was a case of ensuring a future for both Devon and I; and that is something I would most definitely fight for, for as long as I lived.

~ ~ ~

Sadly the moment, hidden away with Devon, couldn't last forever and now we found ourselves standing with the rest of our little group, Alex's back to us as he surveyed the preparations that were going on for the reverse, which was to happen shortly. In the middle of the various different pieces of machinery that had a permanent place in the space, were two slanted, metal, stand-like objects, one of which held my original body that was currently uninhabited, and the other stand-like object was, no doubt, where I was to stand in a short amount of time. My eyes fixated on my original body, letting my mind drift elsewhere, contemplating how odd it was to be standing across the room looking upon my own body.

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