Chapter 8

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So, that was it. I had sealed Rosie and I's fate. One single decision that would either go right, or extremely wrong. I knew it was the right decision to make, because if there was a chance I could have my old body back, I'd like to continue living my life under my own identity, instead of having the physical appearance of someone completely different. Despite the pros of my decision, I couldn't help but be constantly plagued by thoughts and scenarios relating to the consequences. It hurt even more that Devon was trying his hardest to stay positive and look on the bright side of things, such as talking about the future and that he'll help me through the after effects. It just bought everything home. And it hit hard. I think I finally realised just how serious the consequences were and how much it wouldn't just impact me, but also everyone around me, as well as someone who I had yet to meet.

Whilst I was caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't realise someone else had joined me until a hand was placed on my shoulder. Out of shock, I whirled around and aimed my fist at their cheek, only for their reflexes to kick in and catch my wrist before it made contact. A chuckle sounded throughout the tunnel as I realised who had snuck up on me.

"You seriously need to stop sneaking up on me," I stated as I let out an annoyed huff.

"But it's fun to watch you jump out of your skin in surprise," Devon laughed at my expense.

"Try being on the receiving end when you have an entire group of people hunting you down under the false beliefs that you are someone else! Then see how funny it is," I grumbled in response as I crossed my arms over my chest in a humph.

"Aww don't be annoyed Fay, I think that by looking at this situation in a light-hearted way is my method of dealing with it all. If things go pear-shaped then I'll be left trying to find a way to cope with the loss of you," Devon confided in me, which only caused the guilty feeling to increase. Just as I thought I'd gotten the weight of this decision off of my shoulders. Without wanting to risk Devon seeing the downcast look that, no doubt, was now etched across my face, I pulled him into a hug in an attempt to slightly reassure him.

"You won't truly lose me Dev. Now can we go get some coffee? The whole early-start-and-worrying-over-this-decision, adrenaline boost, or whatever it is, is starting to wear off," I stated as I tried to stifle a yawn. He chuckled and nodded.

After a couple of minutes, my hands were wrapped around a hot mug of coffee, as Devon and I sat in the cafeteria area of the Resistance. The hot brown liquid in the mug before me, provided a distraction from the current situation. I had a feeling that Devon wouldn't approve with my decision, but I had no idea that it would affect him this much. I mean to the point where he is more often silent, instead of chatting my ear off like he normally does. In hopes to break the awkward silence over the current future we faced, I decided to ask a question that had been unnerving me all morning.

"Dev?" I asked, his eyes looked up from his phone and locked onto my eyes.

"Yeah Fay?" He responded.

"How long have you known Tristain for?" I asked, desperately hoping that my suspicions about the brunette man were false and that he was actually a lovely, kind hearted person.

"Oh, erm, a couple of months I think. Something happened to his parents or something along those lines, why?" He replied, sitting up straighter and leaning towards me as he made an enquiry of his own.

"Oh no reason, I just had the pleasure of meeting him formally this morning and he seemed a bit off, was all," I answered him, brushing off the last part of my sentence, knowing that Devon had known him longer than I had, so if he deemed him alright, then so did I.

"Ah, but if you don't mind me asking, what made he seem odd to you?" He pushed, not allowing me to simply dismiss my point. I sighed before responding.

"He mentioned something about how the Myriad would be thrilled about the fact the switch worked on Rosie and I, which just seemed like an odd thing to mention." I briefly informed him, not wanting to cause his trust in a friend of his to falter because of my paranoia.

"That is an odd thing to mention, considering we are trying to put a stop to their developments. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but just keep an eye out for anything that might flag up concerns, okay?" He replied in a comforting manner, as he rested his hand over mine on the table. I simply smiled in response and nodded my head.

~ ~ ~

I'd just left a meeting with Alex, Naomi and some other people from the Resistance who were specialising in the reverse technology of the switch, when I heard a muffled voice just around the corner up ahead. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as to why someone would have the need to talk in such hushed tones in a place that was meant to protect us. I quietly approached the turning and peeked around the corner, only to find Tristain talking on the phone to someone, his back to me. I spun back, my back flat against the wall as my heart rate increased. I knew he was up to no good.

Shaking my head, to clear the panic that had started to set in, I gathered as much confidence as I could in order to peek around the corner again in an attempt to eavesdrop on Tristain's conversation. I needed to gather some sort of solid evidence that I could use to show Devon that Tristain wasn't to be trusted.

"It's not the right time! They haven't switched them back yet," He whispered in an exasperated tone into the phone. What on earth is he on about? It has to be to do with Rosie and I because as far as I, and everyone else is aware, we are the only pair who have successfully switched.

"What use is she to us when it isn't Rosie? Rosie is the one we need, she has the intellectual abilities that we so desire for the army!" He continued. By this point I was surprised that he couldn't hear the sound of my heart beating.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a ringtone sounded, piercing the silence that surrounded us. My breath caught in my throat when I realised it was my - Rosie's - phone that had started ringing. My hands frantically started checking all of my pockets, as I had seemingly forgotten where I had put it. Once my fingers glided across the metallic structure of the phone, I wasted no time in pulling it out and hitting the decline button on the incoming call. I leant my head back against the wall and internally sighed, before peeking around the corner to only find that Tristain was no longer in the hallway, talking on the phone in a hushed voice.

I turned back and screamed when I came face to face with the brunette I had just been watching, but my screams were cut short when he hand clamped over my mouth, his index finger against his own lips, signalling for me to be quiet. I reluctantly stopped my screams as he lowered his hand from my mouth, a sinister smirk on his face.

"Now, what do we have here?" He spoke in a condescending tone, "I guess you're more intelligent than I gave you credit for."

"Well you made some pretty fatal mistakes yourself," I responded, my voice laced with annoyance towards the man in front of me.

"Now, I can't do anything to you yet, otherwise my boss would have my guts for garters, but if you spill a single word of what you have heard to anyone, then I will have to teach you a lesson. Understood?" He informed me.

"I'm one of the most valuable people to the Resistance, what's to say they couldn't figure it out for themselves when I act scared witless around you?" responded with a question, testing his limit, which probably wasn't the best idea. His jaw tightened in anger at the fact that I had dared to talk back to him.

"Well how about this then? You speak a single word or act as though you're scared of me and I will make sure that your lover boy doesn't live to see another day?" He retaliated. The mention of Devon being harmed was enough to make me back down, Tristain and the Myriad could do what the hell they liked to me, but as soon as the threats start being aimed at those I care about, I'll do anything to protect them.

"Ah, good. Now I suggest you watch your back from here on out Faith," He finished the conversation, as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, the same sinister smirk on his face, before he backed up and walked off down the corridor, whistling to himself, hands in his pockets, acting as if the last few minutes didn't just happen. As I lifted my hands up I noticed they were shaking. I ran a shaky hand through my hair as I rested against the wall and tried to comprehend what had just happened.

Seems like not everything is going to be as plain sailing as we all thought it would be. . .

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