Chapter 6

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As soon as I had finished taunting Devon, and hiding from him behind Naomi, I did a full 360 and took in my new surroundings, since the warehouse and leaving the van. It appeared as though we were now standing in the middle of absolutely nowhere with no van in sight. Wait what?! Where the hell did the van go? I turned back around and took off in a light jog to catch up with the others who, quite evidently, didn't think to check I was still with them before heading off towards nowhere in particular.

"Hey guys wait up!" I called as I ran to catch up with them, an arm raised in the air in front of me as if I was trying to hail a taxi in a city. As I yelled after them they all turned their heads to look at me and chuckled at my misfortune in being left behind.

"Well, thanks so very much for waiting for me before heading off guys. Much appreciated." I panted sarcastically as a couple of them clasped their hands over their mouths to prevent a full blown laugh from escaping their lips at my disheveled state.

"Aw no worries, your very welcome," Devon responded just as sarcastic as I had been. This was, apparently, the last pin in the laughter waiting to erupt from a couple of the others. I stood up straight once again and huffed before walking off ahead of them all to continue on with our original mission.

"Err Ro-Faith?" Reece, or maybe it was Tristan, piped up, causing me to whirl around on my heel to give them a death glare.

"What now?!" I asked through gritted teeth as my last nerve with this lot was about to snap. At the sight of my reaction, the person who had dared to speak up looked extremely sheepish as he hastily tried to regain his ability to form a coherent sentence.

"It's just that you're going in the wrong direction," he simply stated as he pointed to his left.

"GOING IN THE WRONG FLIPPIN' DIRECTION?! HOW CAN I BE WHEN WE PARKED UP IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!" I practically screamed as my arms flailed in every direction they possibly could to further demonstrate my current frustration, which had been boiling for quite some while, no thanks to Devon. Not so discreetly, the other three guys, who I had yet to get to know properly, pushed Naomi in front of them, forcing her to deal with my current outburst.

"Faith, so I know it appears as though we are in the middle of nowhere," Naomi began as she gestured for me to walk with her in the direction that Reece, or god knows who it was, had gestured towards, "but the building in which we are looking for is a converted network of underground tunnels in order to provide maximum safety."

As she talked whilst we walked, I was slowly nodding my head, absorbing the information that she was giving me about the place we were now in search of. However, the one thing that I still had an issue with, in terms of this new hideout, was the fact that the land, as far as the eye could see, was unbelievably flat and desert like. Therefore there was no possibility for an entrance into a network of underground tunnels to exist. Before I could speak my concern with this idea, the ground beneath Naomi and myself seemingly disappeared and a scream left my mouth as my hair flew up with the wind as we plummeted into the earth. Naomi landed gracefully on the floor whilst I landed with thud and a groan at the abrupt landing on the concrete floor. Almost instantly after Naomi had landed, she grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the area in which we had just landed, only for the guys to appear there seconds after she had pulled me away.

"Yep thanks for not letting them crush me Naomi," I commented as I rubbed my backside to try and ease the numb sting that had been left behind after the sudden drop.

"No problem, but I probably should've warned you about that whole... entrance, before we just fell," she smiled sheepishly as she patted my shoulder in comfort.

"You think?! I blurted out which caused the others to laugh as Devon approached me, hand ready to pinch my cheek in a babyish way before I slapped his hand away and pointed my finger at his face in a menacing way whilst I closed the gap between us.

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