Chapter 9

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A couple of days had passed since my unfortunate encounter with Tristain and I was more on edge than ever before. All I knew from that one conversation that I had overheard, was that the Myriad were planning something that endangered both myself and Rosie. The most frustrating part about all of it was that I couldn't tell Alex, Naomi or Devon about it. So as far as everyone was aware, the reverse was going to go ahead as planned in two days time without any hitches, and it was killing me slowly, not being able to tell them that there was a traitor in our midst. Devon had picked up on my quieter mood and hadn't stopped trying to get the reasoning for it out of me. It hurt not to be able to confide in him, like I was so used to doing, but if it kept him safe then it was all worth it.

"Faith? Are you with us?" Alexander asked, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and turn my attention back to the conversation at hand. We'd recently begun having daily meetings to refine all of the details for the final process, two days from now. The people allowed in the meetings consisted of Devon, Naomi, Brent, Reece and, of course, Tristain. The last three had been granted permission to be present, simply because they had come with us as my protection detail, so were believed to be trusted members.

Brent and Reece, who I had gotten to know fairly well in the last few days, were amusing characters who had the ability to charm any female that they came into contact with. Due to their humour and jokes, they had helped to alleviate the stress and worry that had seemed to have consumed me ever since I encountered Tristain and I was glad that they had been present in all of the meetings. It made the subtle warning glares from Tristain easier to deal with.

"Yes, sorry, my mind seems to be elsewhere at the minute," I responded to Alex as I shook my head, dispersing the daze I had found myself stuck in. Out of the corner of my eye I could see both Devon and Naomi giving me glances which displayed a mixture of both confusion and concern.

"Okay then. Everything is nearly ready for the reverse to happen, I have had people running various different experiments to make sure it will be as safe as it can possibly be for you and Rosie." Alex informed us as he glanced down at his computer in front of him to check for any more information he needed to inform us of.

"So if no one has anything else to alert us to, then we can conclude this meeting for today," Alex finished as we all got up and left him to continue with his day. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't escape as swiftly as I had wanted to because the four people who I had become close friends with since this whole thing started, had managed to corner me, no doubt to question me regarding my behaviour in the last couple of days. I let out a frustrated groan which caused Brent to chuckle, only to be silenced by a glare from Devon, signalling that this was no laughing matter.

"Faith, why have you been acting so distant? You know you can tell us anything and everything that is troubling you, right?" Naomi asked, a concerned look plastered all over her face. I can't say I blame her for being so concerned because we had been pretty close when this entire thing first happened and I have definitely made an effort to distance myself, for their own wellbeing.

"Yes I know, I know, but nothing is the matter Naomi. I promise," I replied, a soft smile on my face, trying my best to divert their concern and get them to believe that I was truly alright.

"We aren't buying your excuses this time missy, spill." Devon stated, his arms folded across his chest. I huffed and covered my face with my hands, accepting defeat whilst also trying to figure out a way around this so that none of them got harmed.

"Ugh! Fine!" I started, but as my eyes looked anywhere but at the people in front of me, they locked onto Tristain who was sending a glare in my direction which caused me to falter, "I-it's not important."

Devon's own eyes followed my eyeline to land on Tristain which seemed to make everything click in his mind as his eyes lit up with realisation. I chewed the inside of my cheek in worry of what he would come out with. Technically I didn't tell them anything so I didn't break Tristain's terms!

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