Chapter 16

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Just over two weeks had gone by and there still had yet to be any sign of movement from Faith's body which was still lying on the crisp, white hospital bed that she had been moved to after the reverse had finished. Much to the delight of the blonde haired woman, Rosie had awoken a couple of days after the reverse had happened and Naomi didn't waste any time in taking her younger sister into her arms as she muttered a combination of scoldings and joyous remarks at the fact that she had her sister back. At the same time as being thrilled with the reawakening of her sister, Naomi also felt an underlying sense of dread that Faith had still yet to wake up. The two girls had been placed in different rooms, which Devon was extremely thankful for at this moment in time. When Naomi broke the news to him that Rosie had woken up he had paid his childhood friend a visit but was thankful not to have been there for the rejoicing when she first woke up, as it would only have caused his heart to hurt more, knowing that Faith still hadn't woken or showed any signs of doing so any time soon.

Over the course of the last two weeks, Devon had hardly moved from Faith's side, despite the pleas from both Reece, Brent and Naomi to do so. He only left the brunette's side to go for a shower and to change clothes and even that was after a significant amount of persuasion from his friends. After he was unable to stay by her side during the reverse, like he had promised her, before the serum took full effect, he felt duty bound to remain by her side until she woke so that she never had to realise that he had broken his promise to her. One of his biggest fears that had developed over this period of strung out waiting, was that she would wake up when he left her to go and freshen up, and he couldn't stand the thought of himself being the cause of her feeling alone and unloved when she woke up alone.

"Any changes?" Alex's voice spoke softly from where he stood in the doorway, hands stuffed in the front pockets of his suit trousers. The raven-haired man, who was resting his head on the bed in front of him, shook his head solemnly without turning to face the man who had paid the two of them a visit. He pulled up the spare chair that currently sat against the wall by the door, and sat next to his friend.

"What if she never wakes up Al?" Devon questioned the man who was sitting next to him. Unbeknownst to the vast majority of people at the Resistance, Alex and Devon were childhood friends who had been there for one another whilst growing up and continued to be there for each other, even though they didn't show the full extent of their knowing each other to the vast majority of people. Alex sighed as he rested a reassuring hand on the raven-haired man's shoulder.

"If I have picked up on anything about Faith since meeting her, it is that she is an unbelievably strong willed woman who won't hesitate to put her life on the line for those who she cares about. So in answer to your question, there is no if, it's a case of when." Alex reassured his friend as best he could, which was reasonably hard to do considering deep down, Alex, himself, was worried about whether or not the slim brunette on the bed before them would ever open her eyes again.

~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, in another room of the Resistance, the two, previously, separated sisters were catching up on everything that the younger blonde had missed out on since she spontaneously left her body, just over a month ago. However, throughout the entirety of their discussion, Rosie couldn't help but notice that her sister wasn't a hundred percent present in their current conversation. The younger blonde tilted her head to the side in a questioning manner, silently asking where Naomi's mind was at, but also knowing where it was at the same time.

"You're worried for Faith aren't you Naoms?" The younger blonde asked her older sister as she leant forwards and placed a comforting hand on the knee of one of her crossed legs. Naomi sighed in response as she slightly nodded her head in acknowledgement of Rosie's statement.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry Ro. I mean I'm over the moon that you are back with us, safe and sound, but whilst Faith was in your body, we developed a friendship and now that I've got one of you back, I can't stop my mind flitting back to the thought that she is yet to wake up." The eldest blonde confessed as she let her head fall into her hands, feeling the most conflicted she had ever felt in her life. Up until Faith was put into her sister's body, everything had been relatively simple for Naomi, looking out for and protecting Rosie with everything she had. But now that she had unintentionally befriended the brunette, who lay unconscious in the hospital wing, she couldn't help the worry she felt at the thought of her friend not waking up ever again.

"Don't apologise for caring for someone Naoms! I may not have been here with you, but that doesn't stop me from knowing full well that you don't let many people in, and when you do, you do everything in your power to protect them," Rosie informed her sister, only for Naomi to interrupt.

"Ro-" The eldest blonde started but was cut off by her sister shaking her head, indicating for her to be quiet.

"Don't try and talk your way out of this, go and check on Faith, you'll only worry yourself sick if you sit here with me whilst you should be checking on the other person who was affected by this process." The youngest blonde stated. Although Rosie was three years younger than her older sister, she was wise beyond her years, no doubt a result of the intelligence that she possessed, that the Myriad so desperately wanted.

"I love you so much Ro, I don't know what I'd ever do if there was no way to get you back," Naomi spoke as she leant forwards and engulfed her sister in a tight hug before smiling softly and leaving the room to go and check on Faith.

~ ~ ~

A soft knock sounded on the door of the room in which Devon was sitting, watching over the girl he had fallen so deeply for. He mumbled, a barely audible, 'come in' as the door slowly opened and the blonde came and sat next to the raven-haired man, in the recently vacated chair beside him. Her heart thudded in her chest out of worry for the unconscious girl before the two of them.

"How is she?" Naomi asked her friend who had the brunette's hand tightly clutched in his hands.

"Same as she has been for the past two weeks," Devon informed the blonde sitting beside him as he kept his eyes on Faith's peaceful, sleeping features. A million and one different thoughts running through his mind all at the same time.

"Dev look at me," Naomi stated as she softly turned his head away from the brunette, who lay on the bed before them, so that she could look into his eyes that were glistening with unshed tears. Throughout all of the years that she had known the raven-haired man, she was well accustomed to the fact that he rarely cried, or let anyone see him cry. Without hesitation, she pulled him in for a hug and for the first time since knowing him, she heard him let out a strangled sob as he finally let himself physically express how he was feeling.

Everything in that one moment between the two friends, showed to Naomi just how much the raven-haired man really had come to care for the brunette who found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time, and all she could do was hope and wish that she would wake up again; so that the man who always put everyone before himself could put himself first for, potentially, the first time in his life.

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