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Hi Losties! 😃

Assalam o alaykom. Long time, no see, right? How are y'all doing?

Writing has always been a hobby. I do it because I enjoy it and I want to let others enjoy my work without putting a price on it. However, I am faced by some financial constraints that I find hard to overcome as a student. So, I have decided upon a solution that, in my opinion, works for all.

How, you may ask?

I have set up a Patreon account (link in my bio) with multiple teirs. You can go and have a look at my page by going to:

a) The financially-abled losties, who become patrons by pledging a small monthly support, will be duly rewarded and appreciated for their support by getting access to chapters early (a month before they're posted here) + exclusive content (only posted on Patreon), such as deleted/alternate scenes and side stories.

b) As a result, they will help me meet my expenses

c) While at the same time, broke people like me still get to enjoy "Lost" for free here on Wattpad ☺️. They'll just have to be patient and wait for updates.

I hope to hear from y'all soon. Those of you who can, please consider supporting🙏. I don't want to give up on Lost. If you personally can't, but know someone who might be interested, please share the message with them. Perhaps, you would want them to sponsor you for early access +exclusive content 😉

Any response, criticism and suggestions, regarding the Patreon page, and the story are welcomed.

Lots of Love,


LostWhere stories live. Discover now