27. 5 Days (Gaara & Naruto AU)

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On the first day, they screamed at him to stop.

He was kicking and screaming for them to let go, for them to release him, for them to not hurt him. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me. He kept repeating as if it was a mantra. His wrists and ankles were strapped onto the bed, preventing him from escaping.

Blurred faces surrounded him – he didn't recognise any of them. They kept screaming at him, 'Gaara! You're okay, stop moving, we won't hurt you!' But they were shouting. Their tone of voice didn't reflect their words; all he saw were faces telling him to stop.

But they didn't understand why he couldn't stop.

"Relax, it will get better..." They said. Gaara started to laugh, trying to fill the room with happiness rather than yells and shrieks – he just wanted the shouting to stop. "Gaara, calm down, Gaara!"

He just laughed even harder; he didn't know what Gaara was. He didn't even know if it was a thing or a person. His wrists were becoming sore and the skin was being cut from the force he was putting onto them, pulling them away from the bed, trying to escape. Escape.

"Gaara, please calm down." There was one face which wasn't blurred. The face of a man slowly stroking his hair, he smiled down at him. "I'm Naruto, I'll take good care of you. I promise."

No. He told himself no, that he wouldn't stop struggling. They didn't understand.

They didn't understand that if he stopped, the monsters would take him.

On the second day, he broke down into hysterics.

As per Naruto's promise, he visited him every day and sat with him for a couple of minutes. He always talked to him, explaining his family life or lack thereof, and why he decided to become a nurse.

Gaara never spoke to him. He wouldn't reply to his questions, instead just stared with a blank expression facing the ceiling, so eventually Naruto stopped waiting for answers, and simply asked rhetorical questions and chatted away.

Gaara didn't know why Naruto was the only human whose face he could see properly. Maybe it was the morphine. Maybe it was the drugs. Maybe it was the hysteria. He had a small pretty face, with blue eyes and messy blond hair; maybe that was why he refused to look at him. He was too scared of seeing a face.

Once he left, Gaara finally blinked and turned his head to look at the door. His lips curled up into a sneer and a scoff left his lips, it slowly turned into a full-blown laugh. His eyes were unnaturally wide and his shoulders were shaking with lunacy – it was funny. He found it funny how he talked to him, as if he cared. It was amusing. He found it amusing.

How entertaining.

On the third day, he was pumped with drugs and morphine to lessen the pain.

"It will help with the pain."

What pain? He didn't feel any pain. In fact, he felt like he was on a cloud, floating aimlessly without anywhere necessary to go. He wished that he was a cloud. It would be so much easier.

"They say that you're getting better, Gaara." What was a Gaara? Could he eat it?

Naruto – if he recalled his name correctly – was standing over him with a soft smile. He remembered his promise to him and grinned. It made him almost frown; he made it feel as if he was truly in reality. He didn't want to feel like he was in reality; he didn't want to be grounded.

He glanced to the side and stared at the machine next to him. Lifting an unbound hand, he pushed the little button and dragged it upwards.

Maybe he could pretend he was a cloud again.

On the fourth day, he found that his misfortune was escalating.

He didn't see it coming, but he grew to expect Naruto's company. But he didn't come on that day. Raising his void eyes, he looked to the side towards a man who was scribbling something onto his board. He tried to look at his face, but it was blurry. Oh well, a face wasn't important anyway.

"Naruto." He spoke his name in a whisper. The doctor's head whipped upwards and he stumbled to get to his bedside. Naruto. He repeated. Naruto, Naruto, Naru- The man shook his head.

"There is no person working here with the name of Naruto. Is he someone from home?"

He froze. He didn't understand.


What did the doctor mean? How could there be no one with the name of Naruto here? He had been visiting him every single day.

The man stepped out of the room, leaving the door cracked open. He pretended not to listen to the hushed whispers, but then was distracted because Naruto, the man who didn't exist, sat down in the seat next to him.

'And here you thought that you knew what was real or not.' He said. His lips curved into a twisted smirk – an ugly expression on his face. The smirk twisted into something more disturbing.

Leave me alone. He wanted to beg, he wanted to plead. He didn't want to look at Naruto (just a figment of his imagination.) He refused to believe that he was going mental.

'Oh, but that's the best part.' Naruto hissed. 'You are. You truly are absolutely, and utterly insane.'

On the fifth day, he gave up.

'Think of it this way.' He grinned. 'Now I can take care of you forever!'

He decided that hearing Naruto's laughter wasn't worth it. So instead, he waited until the sun had set, and switched off his heart monitor. Then, he took out all of the tubes out of him and fluttered his eyes shut.

Before he fell asleep, he heard Naruto's melodic voice giggle. 'How entertaining.'


Literally I haven't been uploading on anything I'm so sorry. Uni has been crazy.

Finished a round of exams though so hopefully I can bang out a couple of chapters!

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