Chapter 14: News royers in the team

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Meanwhile at the planet earth, at school...

The teacher is about to start his class.

Teacher: Alright everyone! We will talk about budget once again!

???: Can we talk about other thing? I found this one very annoying!

Teacher: I can't! This is the only one class we can do!

???: I agree what Sebastian said! Can we just work on other things instead?

???:Yeah! We just repeat this crap over and over! Can you just talk something else?

Teacher: Look! I know you want to talk something else! But we need to practice your budget!

But then...

Teacher: Alright! Class is demised! I want to see your budget done by tomorrow!

And then, the principal is coming to stop the students.

Principal: Where did you think you are going?

Sebastian: We are going home!  

Principal: The librarian boss want to see all of you!

 Audrey: Really?

Principal: Yes! And this is very urgent!

Teacher: Wait! Only my three students? What about their work?

Principal: That's not your business! If you want to find out, that's okay! But you can't interfere on our talk or denied it! Understand?

Teacher: Yes!

Principal: Also, Antony and Olivier is waiting for us!

When Sebastian, Audrey, William, Antony and Olivier is going to see the librarian boss, the teacher following them. When their arrive, they take a seat.

Librarian boss: So, do you know why you are there?

William: No!

Librarian boss: You five are here this because you classmate is protecting the universe! So I think you might help him! He can't do this alone!

Audrey: So you just want to tell us about that?

Antony: Not only that! But we are too buzzer to understand!

The librarian boss have to find they weakness. But he have an idea.

Librarian boss: So Audrey! You like animes? You like manga?

Audrey: Yes why?

Librarian boss: What if I tell you the place you are going is full of animes?

Audrey: For real?

Librarian boss: Yes! And you three! Do you like video games?

Antony: Yeah!

Olivier: We love to play video games!

William: I like playing video games, but I also like to make some exercices as well!

Librarian boss: Well for the exercices okay, but for the video game, you are the video game characters if you go in this planet!

Sebastian: What planet is anyway?

Librarian boss: You will find out! And this is way better to make budget all the time in you class! So what do you say?

Audrey: If this planet got a lot of animes, I'm going there!

Antony: Same thing if they got video games there!

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