Chapter 2

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Summer awoke in the tank in which she'd been asleep for the last half of her created life. She had a face mask on and didn't understand what was going on. She panicked and kicked in the clear, but salty solution. She accidentally kicked the glass causing a thump and the people at their computers to jump up. Her heart raced even faster and she kicked the glass a second time causing it to crack. All of a sudden the people in the room pushed buttons causing protective barriers to come up over their desks. The glass finally shattered and water poured out into the room. It later drained away and the people in the room went over to see if Summer was okay or not. There she sat, drenched in water as she at first struggled to get the mask off. She then pulled the whole thing off her face and looked around. She could barely hear the shouting as light flashed before her eyes and she felt like she couldn't breathe. A brown and rose haired boy ran up to Summer and placed something on her chest that shocked her. She then five seconds later began to hear everything. Everything then became clear really quickly. She looked up to see everyone in the room around her.

"Are you alright, mis," The brown and rose haired man asked. Summer nodded and he helped her up.

Just then, a black haired woman in curls down to her back, wearing a red dress, thigh high boots and a sweater came through the doors, "What is going on in here?"

A bald man in glasses came up to her, "Well, there seems to have been a bit of an accident."

The woman looked at him, "This isn't a little accident, this is a HUGE accident. There is glass and water spots everywhere. Where is 1058?"

"She's right here, Spark," the brown and rose haired boy replied. Summer came out from behind them.

1058, Summer though as she came out from behind him, I'm not a number, I'm a person. I'm-... wait, what's my name? Oh God, this can't be happening. Why can't I remember myself? The only thing I remember is a shriveled girl with black and red hair, a red cloak and deep silver eyes. Silver Eyes? But what are my eyes.

    "Well, let's get her cleaned and checked," Spark said, "She can't go out looking like that."

    Summer looked down at herself. Thank God her top and bottom parts were covered. She looked back up at Spark and the girl took her to go get some cloths. Summer was then shown her room and around the company as it looked. She then got to go into one of the offices. The lady at the front desk gave her her schedules.

    "What year is it," Summer asked the lady.

    "Why it's 3020," The woman replied. She then gave Summer an off look, "Are you okay, Miss?"

    "You'll have to excuse 1058," Spark cut in, "She's a successful complete from our million year project."

    "I'm not a number," Summer began to freak out a little, "And I'm a WHAT?"

    "Oh, dear," The woman at the front desk said, "Don't tell me you forget to tell her?"

    Spark sighed, "Apparently I did forget. Come on, 1058. Let's take a walk."

    Summer and her went out of the office and walked through the halls, "In 2044, Jaque Shnee gave his step daughter Wiess, The Shnee Dust company on his death bed since her older sister Winter refused to take on the task. Wiess very well with it for 66 years along with helping to fight for a cleaner environment before she became sick with cancer. After she died, her step brother Witley sold the company and made millions of dollars in greed in 2087. The company was sold to a young millionaire who didn't care about keeping Remenant clean of pollution. Animals died out in the next fifty years and everyone had to resort to growing only fruit and veggies inside because the soil got so bad. Then the man died and it was passed on to a scientist at the time when Remnant was going back to war with not  only Salem herself, but each other. It all ended in 2189, when a massive nuclear explosion happened unexpectedly from what used to be the Shnee Dust Company. By 2567, most of the population of people had died from the sickening radioactive activity that we all tried our best to protect ourselves from. The survivors built this place for us and forcefully had children among each other to one day restore the human race. You can now guess what happened after that."

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant