Chapter 13

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After Marcey left, Ruby and Oscar sat in her hospital room. He sat there on her bed looking very sad at her.

"Oscar," Ruby asked, "Are you okay?"

He sighed, "If I didn't gamble them to get you out of there then I would have lost my mind and we wouldn't have been in this mess. I'm so sorry, Ruby."

"I could have waited, Oscar," Ruby replied in a calm tone, "You didn't have to do that for me you know!"

"But I couldn't take it, Ruby. Yang and I couldn't take it and everyone else lost hope on sticking together."

"Oscar, Look at me," Ruby told him. He looked at the silver in her eyes as she spoke, "If you didn't know you gambled with a dangerous gang to get me out. I'm not mad at you, Oscar. I'm completely grateful for what you have done for me! You may think that we all as a team gave up, but believe it or not, not all of us gave up. You just found a new way to keep up your hope!"

Oscar paused for a second and then lightly grinned, "You're right, I guess."

The doctor came in, "Alright, you have a discharge settled for an hour! You certainly woke up fast and your aura is recovering quite quickly from the knockout. Your tests show a slight concussion, but other than that, It's best to take care of yourself for a small bit."

"My head does hurt a little," Ruby replied.

"You'll be fine," The doctor reassured her he left the room. They waited an hour in silence until she was discharged from the hospital. They went back to the apartment and Ruby sat on the couch. Throughout the week, there weren't any complications. The first day back, Ruby rested while Oscar called in that he wouldn't be at work. The second day, they went back to work and to the store for food. The third day, they went hiking through the mountains next to the city. The fourth day, they went ice skating and the fifth day, they watched a movie. On the sixth day, It was peaceful. Both Ruby and Oscar played a board game in the living room of the apartment.

Ruby put down her board piece, "I win!"

Oscar looked at the board, "No you didn't!"

"I'm right in the middle of the board, Oscar!"

"Oh really! You're not on the exes though," He moved next to her and put it behind the line.

"Hey, that's not fair," Ruby replied. She slightly bumped him.

He reacted, "Alright, that's it!"

"Oscar, don't you dare!"

"Yes," He started tickling her and she laughed until the doorbell rang. They stopped and Ruby Got up from the floor. She went over to the door as Oscar Quickly put the game away.

Ruby opened the door and it was a couple of men in suits, "May I help you men?"

"We're a part of the FBI. Have you seen Marcey Renne go in or out of her apartment at all," one of them asked.

"No. Why?" Ruby replied.

"Ruby, Who's at the door," Oscar asked from the other room.

"The FBI," Ruby replied looking back into the apartment, "It's about or neighbor"

Oscar came over to the doorway and put a hand on Ruby's shoulder. He said, "We haven't seen Marcey in a week. We've also been so busy doing our own thing that we haven't really paid attention lately."

"You are Oscar Pine and Ruby Rose, aren't you," The other officer asked.

The two nodded and the first officer continued, "There is video footage of her visiting you in the hospital the day she went missing. Did she say anything to you at all?"

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt