Chapter 12

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Summer went back up to the apartment and shut off all of the power and water. She then collected a few of Marcy's things and went on her way, out of the city. Before she did, she went by the hospital and snuck into the hallways. She found Ruby's room and went in to see Oscar by her bedside. Ruby was awake as they both looked over to Marcy coming through the door. Ruby had bruises on her body.

    Ruby was so happy to see Marcey that her eyes lit up, "Marcey!"

    Oscar;s expression was different, "Marcey what the heck? What did you do?"

    Ruby got confused, "You did something bad? What is it? Marcey, how could you?"

    "Nothing," Summer replied, "I-"

    Oscar turned on the TV. There was a news report as it skipped to the gang members on the podium. Doug said, "Our world is equipped with many huntresses and hunters. They all hold their own special semblance, but paranormal isn't one of them. Paranormal is an evil force that will disguise itself as good. Your famous music artist, Marcey Renne, is a danger to our society. We and many others have been terrorised by her presence and our surroundings. If you have ever felt you were being watched, it is her. If you ever have a nightmare, it is her. If you ever feel like anything strange or unusual has, is, is about to or is ever going to happen, it is her."

    Marcy rushed and turned the TV off, "They are lying. It's a gang for God's sake. I only came to help you. Other than that, I wouldn't have. I don't have any paranormal semblance in me. Oscar you know me."

    "There have been reports that the government is after you though," Oscar continued, "The whole town is afraid. There are even secret spies looking for you."

    "Please," Ruby scrambled in the hospital bed, "I have a feeling that there is nothing you can do to convince them. That gangis really powerful and now that they have everyone's attention about you, you are doomed to be in towns and cities. If you leave, I promise I won't say a word to the police. Oscar included. YOu have to leave now."

    "But Ruby," Oscar looked at her, "Where will she go?"

    "I don't know," Summer replied, "A small place deep in the woods I guess."

    "Don't guess, just go," Ruby said, "We'll be fine. We got you. Now GO!"

    Summer nodded and walked out of the room. She threw the hood of the cloak on her head and looked back at Ruby and Oscar one last time. Instead of going out where she came, she went to the top of the building and jumped the roofs until she got to the last building before the forest. A tree branch hung low in the building's roof top and Summer climbed into the tree. She went from tree to tree as she did in the city until she was deep in the forest. She climbed down to one of the branches and sat for ten minutes. She shut off her scroll to preserve the battery and then jumped down from the tree. Off deep into the woods she went. By day she traveled and by night she slept in the trees. The nights were cold, but Summer made do without a fire. One day she sat down under a tree for a little rest.

She wasn't there for five minutes until a young woman startled her, "FREEZE INTRUDER."

Summer got startled that she took out her weapon, turned around and pointed it at her. When she saw the marking on her wrist she put it down, "Traveler?"

"Who are you, spy?"

Summer put the gun down slowly and showed her her wrist, "Traveler 1058."

The woman put her weapon away. She grabbed Summer's weapon and gave it back to her, "You're a traveler too? I'm Traveler 2048. Come with me."

Summer began walking with her, "So 2048, What's your name and your mission?"

"Barrem Nikkos," She replied.

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now