Chapter 8

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The officer locked the cells to the jail with the gang members inside. The group sat there in a span of three jail cells all together.

"What are we going to do now, Doug," one of them asked.

"When the lights go out, we're all gonna get out of here," their leader replied.

"What about now, boss," another questioned.

Doug turned around, "Sit down and wait. I know how to get us out. Someone here, in every jail, is always nice to the guards, but is the best at getting away with things. If I can get a hold of them, then we'll be out of here in no time. When they let us use the phones, call your families. I'll do the work."

Throughout the night, the boys sat. Some slept and some didn't. When the morning came, it was not peaceful. He guards banged on the jail cells as all of the prisoners rose up from their slumber. They took the boys to breakfast and then outside to work. Later the gang got to use the phones to call their families. Instead of Doug calling a family member, he called his brother.

The e-boy on the other line picked up, "Well, hello brother. How's the job going? Are you in jail?."

"What do you think? I need you to get the boss to bail us out," Doug replied.

"Sorry dude, I can't. Remember when that Oscar guy out gambled us to get his girl out of therapy? Apparently that was all the money we had."

"Dang it. I never should've trusted that guy. Screw his girlfriend. We're gonna get it back and we're gonna get it back now."

"And how might that be?"

"Break us out and I'll take you to the cemetery to see mom when this is over."

"As much as I want to see her, Doug, I resign from doing anything else bad in my life. I'd rather stay here out of trouble with Dad."

"He's a drunk."

"And what else? He's gonna hurt me like a thousand times before? Just because he does doesn't mean I don't love him. I do and I take care of him for mom."

"Who raised you after mom died?"

"You, but you're not so good at getting a real job, that won't get you in jail. I just got my first job yesterday so don't ask me to do horrible things anymore." Doug's brother hung up.

When he turned around, another prisoner was looking back at with a grin, but he then looked away and made his call. All of the boys were sent to their next activity and after was lunch. The boys sat down at the table.

"Did you get it?" They all asked at different times.

"Sit down. Shut it," Doug replied. He gave them a minute, "My brother bailed."

Everyone at the table groaned and moaned. All of the sudden the same man from the phones slammed his tray on their table and sat down, "Settle down, men. You wanna get out, my brother is coming to bail you all out. He was going to do it to me, but I can wait two more years until I leave this hell."

Everyone stopped talking and listened. Doug looked at him, "Really?"

"Yes! I am Bailey Hanes," he introduced himself, "I worked with Roman Torchwick before he framed me into killing Neo's new dog. I was also framed by my psychotic girlfriend for murdering an old woman she despised and now I'm back here."

"Do you know a way out of here?"

"Yeah, but I choose not to break the rules. Just wait, he's coming for you all. One way or another. Just don't get too excited yet. The guards will know."

Everyone nodded and doug leaned over to Bailey, "When's he coming for us?"

"Next week on Wednesday, you have your court date. He's really good and making up evidence on whoever put you here. He's able to find things out. Trust me, you'll like him."

The boys finished up lunch and did the activities for the day. After a week passed by, the guard opened up the door to their cells, "Come on. Time for Trial."

The guards handcuffed them and escorted them down to the courtroom. They all sat at one table. The judge came in and all rose. They then sat down once the court was in session. The court went on as evidence was shown and witnesses went up. After court, the file with the evidence was turned in. The judge reviewed the fake evidence overnight and the next day, the gang was released.

They were dropped off in front of the office building where Ruby and Oscar worked, "Time to get our share boys!"

Up the steps and through the doors, they snuck past the front desk and into the elevator. They went up to the highest floor where Oscar worked and went in.

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now