Chapter 7

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Summer woke up an hour earlier than Claire. She slowly got out of their bed and snuck into what used to be Marcey's closet. She looked through the drawers of clothes and things that had been nicely hung. Most of what she had were t-shirts and jeans. Many flanels have been hung in one part of the closet and nice clothes in the other part. Summer found some old photo albums and looked through them. She took in the memories of Marcey's life and saw a photo of her mother hugging three year old Macey in pointe shoes. They were in the studio and looked so happy smiling at the camera together. Summer heard Claire get up and she quickly shut the album and put it back.She then got dressed and came out of the closet. She saw that the bed was made and Claire wasn't in the room. She went out of the room to find her at the stove making breakfast.

Claire looked up, "Good morning! How do you feel?"

"I feel fine," Summer replied. She didn't know how to feel about this strange place.

Claire put a plate of eggs down on the table, "Would you like some breakfast?"

"Sure!" Summer sat down. She picked up her fork and began eating. She didn't know how good eggs were until she got the first bit in her mouth. When she was done, Marcey's scroll buzzed and Summer picked it up like it was hers. She opened it. It was from a random man by the name of Johnnie.

Come quick. We just got some really bad news. It's an emergency.


Summer got up, "I gotta run, something has happened at the studio. That was a really nice breakfast!"

"Okay," Clair replied. She watched Marcy take her keys and go out the door. She sighed and cleaned up the kitchen. She then went out to work.

Summer ran down the street to the only recording studio in town. When she got there she saw a poster outside that advertised Marcey's band and went inside. The lobby was a bit colorful with it's yellow walls and it was almost the size of  a classroom.

Johnnie came out, "Oh finally. We had a bit of an incident with the speaker. It caught on fire after we plugged it in."

"Are you okay," Summer asked as she rushed up to the door.

    "Yeah, but the speaker and the wall aren't."

    "The WALL?" Summer ran through the door. In the first door down the hall, Summer went in to find the wall scotched up to the ceiling. It was bad "Dang it. Now 're going to bill us for this."

"Me and Slade are thinking about going to the store to patch it up."

"No, I'll go get the paint," Summer went out of the room and down to the painters store. She bought blue paint and went back to the studio. After she got back, they laid down some matts while Summer opened up the paint. She dug the stick into it and started stirring it. Later, everyone dug a brush into the paint and began painting the burnt up wall. Johnnie and Slade got into a funny argument about if polar bears loved peanut butter or not. Summer chuckled and the two almost stained her pants with paint. Later when the wall was drying, they began rehearsing. The director came in and the boys went up to him like he was their mom.


"What's up boys? I have some news for Marcy over there!"

Summer went over. This felt so weird, "What's happening?"

"So the song you wrote. They don't want to play it because they've gotten so muct slam from doing this in the past, but they'd be happy to collaborate with you and the boys if you like! They actually have a whole notebook of songs that they want to make an album with you!"

The Summer Rose Series Book 4- TravelerWhere stories live. Discover now