Wheel get comfortable

522 17 4

We both began to smile unable to stop

Will's Pov
I scooted closer to him closing the gap in between us
He gripped my hand intertwining my fingers with his
We looked at each other without saying anything
He didn't need to say anything at all
We heard the front door slam
I slightly squeezed his hand before beginning to panic
We both got up
That's when we heard voices
Jonathan and Nancy's
Thank God
We walked out of my room into the living room
Will:You two are home late
Jonathan:You two are half naked I guess we both have some explaining to do
Jonathan and Nancy began to laugh
By now I was turning red
Will:Very funny
I rolled my eyes
Mike:Where were you guys anyway?
Nancy:Stay out of grown folks business
She mocked
Mike:Nancy you weren't grown folk until a few months ago
She lifted her finger to make a point but slowly retracted it and said abruptly
Nancy:Were gonna go to sleep goodnight love birds
Mike:Right back at ya
He said as the four of us separated

Mike's Pov
"Soo...where were we?" I asked
"I mean it's 3:17 in the morning so I'm not sure"Will said confused
"I-I meant...Yenno what let's lay back down"
He nodded
He closed the door and layed back down
"I don't have to sleep here I could just go get some couch cushions and blankets an-"Will started
"It's fine" I said as I slid into the bed next to him
I faced him as he faced the wall
I wrapped my arm around him and nuzzled my chin into his shoulder
"Goodnight Will"

Will's Pov
I felt his arm wrap around me
Butterflies swarmed my stomach as he did so
I'd never had anyone this close to me
"Goodnight Mike"

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