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Wills Pov
I coughed leaving black residue on my shirt
Dustins eyes widened
But Josh didn't think anything of it
"What'd you eat to cough up that??" He laughed
Me and Dustin played along
I thanked Josh
Moments later we exited the freezer and cleaned up before me and Dustin walked towards the exit
I waved at Mike and then at Josh who was staring at us as we left and Smiled

Mike's Pov
He waved at the boy after he waved at me
I knew the way he looked at him
Before I knew it was my turn at the register
I tried to contain myself
El beside me as she set her stuff on the counter
I payed but stayed slightly behind as El walked towards the others
He looked up at me with his pale blue-green eyes
No wonder Will likes him
"Hey" I said sternly
"What's up" he said calmly
I felt my neutral face start to frown and my eyebrows scrunch
I could practically feel the blood rushing through my veins and the heat in my body rise
"do me a favor..."
He slightly tilted his head
"And stay away from Will" I demanded
"Or else ?" he questioned
"You heard me I'm fucking warning you"and with that I walked away

Wills Pov
Me and Dustin hung out for the next few hours until he went home

Two days later

I thought I'd go thank Josh once again for saving my life I was truly grateful even though I don't act like it sometimes
I walked in
"Yenno you look mighty familiar" the boy at the register joked
"So do you" I played along
" I just can't quite put my finger on it" I added
He smiled at me
I walked towards the back of the store once more
"hey um Josh..."
"yeah"his head jolted upwards
"Do you mind if I check out the back of the freezers for a second"
" My managers gonna kill me but go ahead I cant say no to you" his cheeks began to turn bright pink
" I-sorry I didnt I mean..."
"Its ok" I assured him and continued to open the freezer
I pulled myself through and stood back up on my feet
I looked around the corner and almost let out a blood curdling scream

Mike's Pov
I had been over at Will's spending time with El
I walked out of the room to use the bathroom when I realized Will was no longer here
Most of the time he stayed in his room when I was over but now he wasn't here at all
Maybe Dustin was right...

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