Dear Dumb Diary

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Will's Diary
I know there's this whole cliche that diary's are stupid but honestly it's the only thing keeping me sane
Despite Dustin having a girl friend now he still made time to hang out with me so I invited him over

Will's Pov

30 minutes later

I heard a knock at the door
And ran to answer it
I quickly swung the door open to see Dustin followed by Lucas and Max
I wasn't upset about it just surprised
"They followed me here"he chuckled
"Hey um where are Mike and El?" Max asked
I pointed down the hallway as me and Dustin flopped onto the couch
"How's the summer been so far I feel like I haven't seen you much"
"Boring and you probably haven't I've been here pretty much all summer" I sighed
"Sometimes I wish our friendship wasn't an eternal double date" he rolled his eyes
"Honestly me too"
I heard a door swing open and slam against the wall
All four of them came marching down the hallway
I was kinda concerned
" So you guys weren't going to tell us that you were hanging out?"Lucas said I could tell he was upset by his tone
The others backed him up with nods and determined faces
"We didn't think you cared" Dustin added
"Why wouldn't we care?" Mike asked
"Do we have to do this now?" I said awkwardly
"Yes" El responded
"Because frankly I'm not blaming El or Max but you two don't give a fuck about us , ever since you got girlfriends you haven't payed the slightest attention to either of us you don't really care about what we're doing" Dustin Snapped back
"Yes we do" Mike said Lucas nodding in agreement
"Bullshit" Dustin began to get up
"That's not true but where are you going?" Lucas asked
"It is true I stopped coming around and not one of you four called me or hung out with me or simply checked on me to see if I was ok..." they looked at us with long faces
"Let's go Will"
"Where are we going" I asked
"Who cares"
I shrugged and walked towards the front door
Before I closed the door behind me I turned to see Mike look back at me with his piercing eyes staring in mine as he walked the opposite way
I gave him a sad smile as I shut the door behind me

Alright so dear dumb diary
where are going now?
This is random but I really like Caleb and Finn/Lucas and Mike's friendship they're an iconic duo lol but Lucas and Mike didn't pay any attention to Dustin and Will this season

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