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Will's Pov
For about the third time
Mike stood in front of me he was very unpredictable
"The other day" I mumbled
He stepped closer to me and I felt my heart rate accelerate
I was stunned it was like I couldn't move and couldn't speak
That's when the door began to open
"STEVE?" We both said in unison
Me and mike both slightly stepped away from each other as we walked out of the elevator doors
"As your new parental guardian I am here to pick you up" he said proudly
"Steve your not my dad"Mike added
"If I'm not then why am I here picking you up" he said smugly
Mike rolled his eyes
"Thanks Steve"
"See finally someone who has appreciates me"
He coughed "Mike"
Mike ignored him as we walked to his car
Me and Mike opened the doors to the backseat seeing that Robin was already in the front
"Everybody put your seatbelts on" he demanded looking back at us
"Damn Steve your acting like such a mom"Robin laughed
"I Am a mom Robin I Am a mom"
Since this is a short chapter I'll probably update again tomorrow but I thought I'd update since a lot of people are stuck at home anyway

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