Hey K̸i̸d̸s̸

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(You should listen to Hey Kids by Molina Slowed it's a vibe)

Will's Pov
When I turned the corner I saw it

A gate
I froze the roots that had planted themselves in the walls of the store
It wasn't huge but was beginning to open
I could hear it
I could feel it
It was coming back
He was coming back
I ran back the way that I came and out of the freezers
I was on the verge of tears but held it together
It was getting dark quickly
I ran towards Josh
"We have to go"
"I still have one more hour of my shift"
"If we don't leave now you'll never have a shift again" I said coldly
"Please...come with me"
He looked regretful but nodded
He locked the cash register and locked the door behind us
"Soo where are we headed?" He asked
"My house if your cool with that some of my f-...friends are there"
"I'm cool with that" he smiled
We walked down the cold street as it began to rain
"Also your friend the one with the dark hair real skinny almost my height..."
I looked up at him
"Yeah he's kinda of a dick sometimes"
"Yeah" I replied
We both broke out laughing
"You look cold...here" he handed me his jacket
"What a gentlemen"I chuckled
He smiled back at me
For the first time in a long time I was genuinely happy

Back at home

I pulled out my key unlocked and twisted open the door
To my surprise there stood Mike with his arms folded in front of me
"You brought him here??" Mike said with his notorious "I'm disgusted" face
I closed the door behind me
"Yeah and I'll talk to my mom about him staying here it was important"
"Will can we talk...alone?"he asked
"I guess" I turned around to face Josh
"I'll be right back feel free to grab anything out the fridge or explore this is El, El this is Josh" he shyly waved at her as Mike and I walked to my room
He closed the door behind us
"What's the problem now Mike?" I said hoping nothing was seriously off
"I just feel like we don't need anyone else in our group" I raised an eyebrow
"Like we didn't need anyone else in our party?"I asked
"Exactly" he said excited I understood
"I was being sarcastic we let Max in and she turned out to be a great friend of ours" I pointed out
"Ehhh we have our ups and downs" he said hesitantly
I rolled my eyes
"He doesn't have to be in our group but he's my friend"
"But you don't need anymore friends you have us you have me" he added
" I hope your not taking this personally I'm allowed to have other friends you guys are usually busy anyway"
He stepped closer to me
"Will I just wish you'd spend more time with me" I looked at him with a blank stare
"You literally come over and don't speak to me and by now I don't mind but the minute I start spending time with someone else it's a problem the minute I have my attention on someone else other than you your jealous do you know how jealous I've been do you know how many times I've wished I was someone else anyone else do you know how many times I wish people cared about where I was or how I was doing do you know many times I wished I was El so you'd pay the slightest attention to me do you know how many times I wished I wasn't me" I cried
The tears falling from my eyes began to burn
I could taste my tears they had fallen so quickly
That salty flavor that resembled the water from the ocean
"Have you ever thought of things from someone else's point of view?" I looked up at him with my now red eyes

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