Will you tell me

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Will's Pov
Once again we were in my dull hospital room
Room 178
Section U
I sat on my bed with my legs "criss cross applesauce"
I know that's a real kindergarten thing to say but
It was true Mike sat beside me as we turned on the tv that seemed to keep glitching
Chills ran down my spine as I began to shake
I tried to stop so Mike wouldn't worry but I couldn't control it
I lifted my knees up to my chest and rocked back and forth
That's when I felt Mike crawl into the bed next to me
"I'm I'm fine I'll be fine" I said
"Will just let me sit with you"
I nodded
He wrapped his arms around me and began to run his fingers through my hair slowly
I felt his hand on my forehead
"Your so Cold should I get the doctor??"he said frantically

Mike's Pov
"I don't think it's anything the doctor can fix" he said coldly as chills ran down my spine
I gave him my sweatshirt so he wasn't just in that hospital gown
I got up as his mom entered the room
"How are you Will are you doing alright? How could I let this happen I'm such a shitty mom."
"Mom you are anything but that it's no ones fault I was hit" he said and hugged her

About an hour later

Joyce and Jonathan had fallen asleep leaving me and Will
I looked in Will's direction
"I-I can't sleep"
"Neither can I" I gave him a small smile
"I'm scared"he said letting out a sigh
"Take my hand" I said, "whenever you get scared just squeeze my hand"

Two hours later

I woke to whimpering
I was laying on a small bench in his room I saw his fingers trying to clench onto what was not there
I could see tears coming out of his shut eyes
But he was not awake
I pushed the bench closer to his bed
I gave him my hand once again
As he began to calm down
Somethings coming
And he's the warning sign he's the alarm thats going off
Steve,Robin,Erica, +more will be in the chapters coming soon

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