I Will find you

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Wills Pov
I think I felt so different because while everyone else got to live a normal childhood I didn't by the time things had became stable they'd all already grown up but I missed the fun and games and shared laughs and talks about crush's I'd missed the last D&D games I missed all those things that were a part of growing up but by the time we had all reconnected they were all past that stage
I peeked through the small window in the door
My mom and Jonathan weren't outside of my room anymore so it was go time
I slowly opened the door
And rushed down the hallway trying to avoid my doctor and the nurse that accompanied him

Mike's Pov
I sat on the stairwell
I couldn't leave Will
I just this was all so new to me
I don't know maybe I was interested in boys maybe I was interested in Will
But I couldn't it feels like me and Eleven were built for each other
But it feels like me and Eleven were built for each other
Maybe that's why our relationship was starting to feel forced
It was like Barbie and Ken they were built for each other or atleast Ken was built for Barbie but they never got the opportunity to chose who or what they liked
Maybe I just liked her because she was the first and now it felt like I had an obligation to be with her
But was she the first?
Or was it Will all along
I didn't know this was all so over whelming
But I knew one thing I wasn't going to leave him alone in that hospital bed
I opened the door to the stairway on his level and saw him enter the elevator

Wills Pov
On my way to the Elevator I cut my leg on the jagged edge of one of the stretchers in the hallway
I took the elevator downstairs and walked towards the exit I walked outside into the frosty air that kissed my skin as the doors opened
I heard footsteps behind me
I turned to see Mike
I limped over to him and hugged him tightly
"I thought you left"
"I wouldn't leave you especially not now"
I felt it again...my neck
"I um Will can I talk to you about something"
"Mike we need to go back inside"
"Alright I just I'll be quick"
"Mike we need to go inside Now"
"Fine I just"
"Mike we need to go right Now I just felt it I feel  him and my leg"
I pointed to my ankle that was dripping blood
He picked me up bridal style and began to hurry towards the door
I turned to see a figure in the distance
It hadn't noticed us yet
"Run" I whispered in his ear
He ran toward the door luckily making it inside
"It wasn't him this time I think I'm just shaken up by the accident"I said
After getting a full glimpse
This whatever it was it had changed it sort of adapted whatever this was was worse
as we rushed towards the stair way and up a flight of stairs before stopping
"Now I need to tell you something" he said with a serious tone

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