Ch 6, The pain we bear

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After finding out what transpired after Operation: Moon on the Welkin, Kaliban called for a chopper to report what he has found. Schicksal was right, Evan would find out more on what happened in the field than anyone else would. But Evan is getting suspicious about the director on Lindow's death. Its safe to say that he might have something to do with it, but to accuse him now would put others on risk. So the only thing to do is to keep in appearance for the time being. He was also aware that the reason why Schicksal would tell Evan to  investigate the ruined city so he would try to earn his trust. But Kaliban already had him figured out. But for now, Kaliban mustn't make a move until then. Back at the Den, just after Evan left on a mission, Sakuya was a bit curious why Evan said about the staged disappearance of Lindow Amamiya. But she was in despair and stress over the past few weeks because of it, refusing to accept Lindow's death.

*Sakuya curled up into a ball*

[Flash back]

Lindow: Hey hey Sakuya. You in?

Sakyua: Ugh... Dumbass! I've said it a hndred times, at least pretend to knock before you barge in.

Lindow: Oh yeah, totally my bad. 

*Lindow sits on the couch as Sakuya heads to her frig to grab a ration beer*

Sakuya: Oh whatever, you're just here for my beer ration, aren't you? Drank down all your own already?

Lindow: Hahaha! Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It's not like you ever finish yours anyway. How about a trade? I got some giant corn-on-the-cob. Huh? Huh?

Sakuya: Ha! Not a chance!


*Sakuya goes over to her frig to get a ration beer, but a lid falls of*

Sakuya: What the...

Lindow's voice: Why don'tcha  save some of that beer for me? Next time.

Sakuya: *Checks her terminal* Lindow's Armlet... Did he plan this somehow? No... That day was already unnatural... Too many things were mixed up. The two teams... Commands must have been overridden... Alisa was acting weird even before... Not a single record... It's like that mission didn't even happen! Lindow... If what Evan said about our last operation was true, then that could mean--

*Sakuya gets startled after the door opens*

Yuu: Oh! S-sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

Sakuya: Oh, no its fine. You can be quiet sometimes.

Yuu: Well, I did knock and you didn't answer. But anyway, do you mind if we talk?

Sakuya: Yeah, sure. About what?

[Earlier, Infirmary]

*Yuu watches over Alisa as she sleeps*

Yuu: Back then... *flashback of him touching Alisa's hand causing her to wake up from her coma* When I touched her hand, her memories were shown to me. It was the same from him...*Flashback of Evan's memories* I wonder...

*Yuu reaches out his hand to Alisa's, then memories of what has happened to her*

Man and Woman's voice: Ready or not, here we come.

Young Alisa: No, not yet.

Man and Woman's voice: Ready or not, here we come.

Young Alisa: No, not yet.

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