Wolf Moon Part 1

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"Shut uuuup" Isabelle groans as she rolls over, attempting to knock her obnoxious alarm on to the floor.

"Just five more minutes" she whispers curling in to her plush duvet. However her mother had other plans.

"Isabelle Brooks get up now! Or I won't save you any pancakes!"

And with that threat she was up like a shot. She kicked off her duvet rubbing her eyes as she stumbles, drunk with fatigue, to the bathroom to shower.

Feeling refreshed and awake she hugged the towel to her as she made her way over to her wardrobe.

Thankfully she had chosen her outfit for the first day back a while ago, well her best friend Lydia did. It was their deal. She got to dress the brunette on the first and last days of school, and also any formals. Lydia loved her friend but she did have a tendency to value comfort over style.

So Elle just picked the preppy outfit from the bottom of her wardrobe, where it had been neatly saved for this very day. It was a navy blue halter neck, a tight black skirt and a floaty cardigan that Lydia had insisted she borrowed.

She put the outfit on giving herself a look of approval in the mirror. She then put some product in her hair to tame the natural curls, and frizz, she had a hate love relationship with. She applied some concealer, bronzer and eyebrow product before doing her signature eyeliner wing and popping on a quick layer of mascara.

Leaving her hair to dry naturally she ran downstairs to make sure the pancakes she was promised were being made.

As she made it in to the kitchen she smiled as she saw her mum tossing a pancake in the air before swiftly catching it and putting it back on the heat.

She goes up to her mum to kiss her on the forehead as she turns the kettle on to make their morning tea.

"How did you sleep my darling?" Her mother said smiling from her place by the stove.

"Pretty well, although I am worried about Scott. I mean he's a great guy and all I just don't know how he will handle the power this gives him. Let alone how he's probably going to drag Stiles in to this even if he is probably more willing than Scott himself."

"Honey, you can't worry about what you can't control, what you can do is make sure they don't do anything stupid. But don't tell them what you are yet. They need to get to grips with what Scott is first."

Elle sighs deeply, sinking in to a chair cup of tea in hand, as her mum slide the pancake on to her plate and pushes over the lemon and sugar.

"You need to stop worrying about Scott and Stiles as well love, they may be good childhood friends of yours but they are in no way your responsibility."

"I know, I know." She says rolling up the pancake with the lemon and sugar inside. "I just feel guilty for leaving them to be friends with Lydia even if I have stayed close to them I still feel like I betrayed them. It's not like they really like her or my other friends at all."

She stuffs her face full of pancake as her mum watches on with an amused expression.

"Just keep an eye on them, yeah, I'm sure they still love you just as much as they once did."

"Thanks mum." She gives her mum a hug and grabs her bag and her keys, giving her mum a short wave as she walks out the door and to her car. It was a little Mini Cooper, she got it with the inheritance money she got when her father died, he had always said he'd get her whatever car she wanted when she turned 16 and she liked to think that technically he did.

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