•I need you

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Cierra's POV

I don't understand what the hell Kehlani's problem is I told her I don't like girls. She's just hurting herself. I mean yeah I reacted when she touched me because I haven't been touch in a while but that doesn't mean shit.

Here I am sitting in the empty gym thinking about what just happened. Also who is this little "Alex" bitch she's been talking to.

The gym door opens interrupting my thoughts. And of course the one and only Kehlani walks through.

She spots me and rolls her eyes.

"I came in here to play basketball so could you get the hell out." She yelled at me.

"Listen I know you're mad but I came in here first so you can kindly get the fuck out." I said catching an attitude.

She stepped closer to me.

"What is your problem, like shit all you do is piss me off just get out so I can play ball."

I got up and grabbed her by her face and kissed her.

"Yo what the fuck, you just told me you didn't like girls."

" I need you. Right now. Please." I begged.

She grabbed me and pushed me on the bench. She started kissing on my neck and moved her way down to my kitty.

"Fuckkkk yessss."

Then she stopped. Are you kidding me.

"What the hell Kehlani." I yelled.

"You don't hear that." She whispered.

Before I could answer she quickly grabbed me and ran to the back of the benches. Where nobody could see us. The gym door opened and I could hear the janitors garbage can rolling against the floor.

"Whoever's In here get out." The janitor yelled.

Kehlani looked at me and smirked.

"Guess you gotta just keep quiet." She whispered against my neck.

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