Chapter One

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After a long day of school, there was nothing like throwing down your bookbag and going to your kitchen and pigging out.

Especially with only so many school days left before my classmates and I would be walking through the halls of our school for the last time.

I grabbed strawberries and whipped cream and sat down at the bar.

I could hear my Mom walked down the stairs and I already knew what was coming.

"Hey, sweet pea, how was your day?" My Mom asked as she stood at the island while I ate

"Good." I plainly responded, "Just another school day."

She had a small smile on her face, "It's almost over."

I nodded, "Yup, four years have flown by."

"Well, Pey, you know what time it almost is. Stephanie, the head of the ball, keeps asking me who you escort will be." my mom brought up again for the fourth time this week

After going to Lydia's debutante ball when she was a senior, it felt like it would never be my turn and my deb ball would never come. Then I blinked and here I was - almost ready to make my debut to society.

I sighed, "Mom, we've been over this, I literally haven't spoken to any guys since Parker. Even the ones I casually talk to, I wouldn't feel comfortable asking them to do that."

My Mom just looked at me, "Ok, then why don't you just ask Parker?"

Believe me, the thought had run through my mind.

"I don't know." I shrugged, "We still talk but not like we used to. Plus I feel like he's always busy all the time now. He may be only a year older than me but life-wise he's like ten years older than me, you know? He might not even be in town."

"Your brother said he would be in that town for a week for their one-year reunion and something else." my mom informed me, "Just call him and ask. If he says no just brush it off and we'll find someone else."

I sat back in my chair, "Ok."

"Did Lydia decide where she was going to med school?" I asked my Mom, "It's May 2nd."

My Mom took some of my strawberries, "She did, but she decided to take the fall semester off just to catch up on her mental health so she's starting in January. Lydia wanted to tell you herself tonight."

"Did you tell Parker that you decided to go to Columbia?" she wondered and it sent chills all over my body

Getting into Columbia was no walk in the Park especially after I'd been denied for USC and Yale. I literally thought I had no chance, but what do you know, I managed to get in. I chose Columbia over Florida State, University of Georgia, UC Santa Barbara, UC Los Angeles, and NYU.

I shook my head, "I haven't. I don't really want to tell him right now."

"Why not?" my Mom asked me

I shrugged, "I just don't want him to think I'm trying to follow him or force us. I'd rather him just happen to find out. Please don't tell Asher either."

"If that's what you want." my Mom agreed with me

I threw away my plate and picked up my bookbag, "Do you think I should text or FaceTime Parker?"

"Whatever feels the most natural." she answered my question

I walked upstairs to my room to start on my homework.

You would think with only a few school days left, teachers wouldn't care so much about homework. But God, it should be illegal to cram in a bunch of material when we didn't even have a month left.

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