Chapter Twelve

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"Asher, I swear if you call me one more time." I picked up my phone as I attempted to write my paper, "I have to finish this paper that's due Friday and I have to wake up early for my internship."

"Oh, so you're going to see Parker tomorrow?" Asher asked me

I rolled my eyes, "Parker only goes on Friday's. Tomorrow is Thursday. What kind of Vanderbilt education are you getting?"

"I am a student-athlete." Asher justified, "You know Parker is coming to the ball next week?"

"I do. It'll be a fun time." I answered his question, "Plus I can't wait to see my big brother."

Asher let out a small laugh. "I know, I know. Alright, I'll let you finish your stupid essay. Oh, by the way, Parker writes really good essays. I got an A on the last one he wrote for me."

"Goodbye Asher, I'll see you next weekend." I ended the call

I put my phone and took a deep breath.

Back to the grind.

Just as I placed my fingers on my keyboard there was a knock at the door.

"Alena!" I yelled, "Did you invite anyone over?"

"No!" she shouted back

I groaned as I got up from my bed and went to answer the door.

I opened up the door to see Bradley holding a box of pizza, "I thought it would be nice to surprise you."

"B this is so nice but I have to work on that paper." I reminded him

"Peyton, lighten up, it's not due until Friday." he shot back, "Just give me forty-five minutes of your time."

I gave in and opened up the door for him to come in.

We both sat down on the couch and ate the pizza.

"How was work today?" I asked him

"Work." he answered plainly, "Peyton, I hate to be that boyfriend but I went through your Instagram and I saw all of the posts. Then I remembered where I knew that Fitz guy from."

Bradley just looked at me, "Why didn't you tell me that you guys used to date? Pretty seriously too."

"Pretty seriously?" I scoffed, "I was sixteen, seventeen years old when we dated. I've known Parker since I was five years old. He's my brother's best friend. I didn't tell you because I didn't think it mattered."

"You just went to Aruba with him." he brought up

My eyes got big, "A year ago! Where is all of this insecurity coming from?"

Bradley opened his mouth and then stopped himself, "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just that he's so successful and here I am in college."

"You know I don't care about money or status. I'm here for your personality and just you. Ok?" I assured him

He gave me a small nod before he gave me a kiss.

"Ok." he agreed with me

"I think one episode of Nailed It will do us well." I decided as I grabbed the remote

Bradley and I watched an episode of one of my favorite Netflix shows then he left. I drank some coffee and finished writing my paper.

Why did I think coffee was a bad idea?

I stayed up all night just staring at the ceiling and then when I finally did go to sleep it was like my alarm went off as soon as I shut my eyes.

I took a shower, washed my face, and got ready for the day.

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