33 - interrogation

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The gang got Jasmine all up in our business and now she knows too much ... I mean she originally did but Cuchillos won't take this newcomer lightly.

"Let's begin, shall we? It all starts with Monse and Cesar. The original lovers of the group and the couple everyone thought would last forever but then .. incomes y/n with her stunning looks that wows Cesar at first sight," having being put seated next to Cesar, we give each other side awkward eyes and turn away, "let's call them Homeyo and Doodooette," Jasmine changes the slide on her screen, "forbidden lovers who had a secret affair behind Monse's back to keep her happy. Homeyo, heir to the Santos and Doodooette, the secret princess of the Prophet$."

I hate this conversation, I just want to dig a hole and bury myself alive in it, "Jasmine, what on earth are you talking about?"

"Oh honey, don't deny it. Why do you think the Prophet$ were all riled up about you having Cesar at your crib?"

My eyebrows furrow, I hide my face in my hands. Monse turns back to look at us, "is that where you were sleeping, during New Years?" Monse questions Cesar. Jasmine, I'm going to kill you!!

I clear my throat to change the atmosphere, "okay, first of all, how would you know? And second, the Prophet$ were riled up because Latrelle was practically in love with me that disgusting little puta," sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.

"Baby, I was there when Latrelle and Cesar were going at it outside your house, fighting over poor old y/n's heart. Latrelle was like your arranged marriage husband-to-be but you went rouge and fell in love with your mortal enemy, a Santos."

"Jasmine, it doesn't matter what you say, there's nothing going on between y/n and I."

"Oh, then what was that humpety-dump last night?" She asks. My jaw hangs open and I'm about to go full swing on Jasmine right now, "Exhibit E!" Too late, she clicks a button and reveals a video from last night of me and Cesar going at it. Oh my god.

"Jasmine! I swear to god!! Turn It Off!" I threaten and she almost does immediately.

Monse looks mortified and hurt and so many emotions, I couldn't even begin to list. Cesar and I exchange a look. We messed up, again.

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