All starts from here

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I never think about my future will be. All of my curiosity about world just make me nausea. I feel comfort with myself, I myself is everything. Whatever people want to say about me, it is not my problem. Let it flow. I never force people to be part of my life. I and my parents are enough. But, one day there is someone who has entered my life without any permission and changed everything. People say that he is a perfect man, Yeah, but I don't think so.
It is almost 7 a.m. I have waited for 30 minutes, but nobody entered the class. I doubt there is something wrong outside there. Suddenly, there is someone who knocked the door. A tall man approached and greeting me. Obviously, I never met him before. Maybe he is a new student who move from other town. But that is none of my bussiness. I give him a little smile and ignored him.
"Why are you still sitting in the class ? All of your friends are watching basketball competition in the hall" he asked me,
"I am sorry, I am not interested at all" I replied shortly,
"Really? It is Scorpio team, the greatest and popular local team ever". I do not give him any replied. He feels annoyed. I do not know who is he by the way, so I do not care at all.
"You look so sorry, if I were you I will be the first fan who support them everytime".
"Shut up" I say it without any expression. He shocked at the time, maybe it is his first time to meet someone who is very innocent in appearance but not in the behaviour. I know, I was so rude. But, I really hate with someone who talks more about unimportant things, especially in front of me.
"You are so fierce by the way", I am looking him sharply, and decide to go to the toilet. Honestly, it is the way to prevent him talks more about me. I really do not care him.
That is the story our first meeting, short but but It sounds that the terrible thing will come out. Just let us see.

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