Mackenzie and her world

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     Mackenzie is the name of Mr Phil's daughter. Yeah, the weird child one who attract Kit since they met. She is beautiful with long brown hair, her hazel eyes, and her white skin. Obviously, she looks like nordic tribe. Since baby, she always got what she wanted. All of things run well. Mackenzie was loved by her parents everytime.
     But, one day Mr. Phil realized that uncommon thing happened to his daughter. Until Mackenzie was three years old, he never heard her talked to him, even she never gave any responses when her parents asked to her. She was just looked and stared them for long time. Sometimes, when the neighbours came to looked her or her friends asked her to played together, she always kept at her room. When there was someone approached her she screamed very loudly like a person who felt very pain. She shocked and felt too afraid with people.
     Day by day, Mackenzie's condition was getting worse. Her friends never came to her house because they felt afraid of her. Many neighbours thought that she was getting mental disorder, even there were some people said she was crazy. Mr. Phil and Mrs. Emma felt very hurt.
     Mr. Phil wanted to brought Mackenzie to the doctor, but he didn't have enough money. He felt sad but he never gave up, everyday he and his wife looked for someone in their village who know about something related to psychology. They hoped it will helped their daughter to became normal like others. After several days, they met Mrs. Ginny. She is a particular elementary school teacher in the village. She usually faced some children who sufferer various syndrom in the school. Moreover, she was very patient when she treated children.
     Today, Mrs. Ginny decided to met Mackenzie for the first time. As usual, Mackenzie against it. She stayed at her room and locked the door.
     "Good morning, Mackenzie. I bring some cookies. Do you want it?" Mrs. Ginny called with knocked the room door gently.
There was no response. Mrs Ginny repeated it until three times but Mackenzie wouldn't accept it.
     Knowing it was vain, Mrs. Emma pleased Mrs. Ginny to sat down and she told about Mackenzie clearly to Mrs. Ginny. She explained a lot. Started from her behaviour and ability. Her behaviour was unpredictable, sometimes she was calm, but suddenlt angry without any reason. She always daydreaming when someone talked to her, never cared to anyone. But, he had special ability. She was very good in drawing something. Mrs. Emma showed Mackenzie's drawing collection to Mrs. Ginny.
     "It seems quite difficult. I usually faced some children who sufferer down syndrom. As we know, they are hypoactive children. But, your daughter was different. She was special girl, she has amazing ability that not all normal children can do" Mrs. Ginny said.
     Mrs. Ginny suggested to brought Mackenzie to the particular elementary school. Mrs. Emma agreed, her daughter started to joined class tomorrow. She wished Mackenzie will be better. It was not only her wish but also her husband was. Their daughter was a special gift from God that should be take care by them.
     "That was the story of Mackenzie, our special daughter" Mr. Phil says to Kit. He is very curious about Mackenzie, so that he asks a lot about her.
     "Why are you staring me like that after hearing Mackenzie'a story, huh?" I ask Kit. But, he just gives me a little smile. I guess he relates the story with me. As he knows, I am a girl who never care about everything that happens surrounding me. Knowing Mackenzie's story likes hearing some facts about me.
     "If all of you are willing, I can guide you to Mackenzie's school. Maybe for you it is far from here. But, believe me you will get a lot of experience with the children there" Mr. Phil says.
     "Oh, that's very kind of you, sir. Thanks, maybe later when we have finished our observation" Kit answers. Actually he wants, but he must doing the assignment first.

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