Try to be Better (Part 1)

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Today, I get up early. After having shower, I preparing myself to breakfast with Mom and Dad. My mom has cooked friedrice and served a glass of milk for me.
"Look at your daughter, she looks very cheer up this morning" Mom says.
"You're right, darling. What happen Fio dear?", Dad reply while staring at me.
"Oh, no Dad. Maybe I just have good mood this morning" I say while eat.
"Oh, my dear keep fighting everyday okay" my mom encourages me with gives her sweet smile at me.
After finishing breakfast, I ask permit to them to go to school. My Dad turns on his motorcyle, and I sit behind him. My mom waves her hand to us.
My Dad is an employee in one of companies in my town, while my mom is a housewife. My Dad always carry me to the school first before goes to the office. That's the everyday habit for almost two years since I entered the senior high school.
The trip is not too long. It just takes ten minutes from my home, so not longer I arrive at school. The big gate is just opened by security. My Dad waves his hand to me and sign me to enter inside. Then, he goes to the office.
I enter the class. It's still lonely. No one has come. I sit on my chair and open my favorite comic. I have ensured that I must be better in communicate with the friends today. Like smile, give greeting, or try to gather with them.
"Oh, you have come Fio" Renata greets me,
"Yes, Emm.. g..good morning" I reply with smile ath her. She is one of my classmates and sits beside me.
"Wow, you greet me" she looks shocked. I just smile. She shocked, probably because she never heard me to did that before. Since we sit on the same seat, we are very seldom to talk each other. Maybe just when I or she needs something to ask. As a friend, never go to the canteen or library together, even I never want to know about her problem. Oh, poor her. I shouldn't be like that.
Not longer, Kit comes to the class. He greets me and smile. I do it too. All of these feel easy if I just meet several people. I don't know then when I meet more than this. I hope I will be okay.

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