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     All members of my group have ready to go to the village that we want to observe. We go there by bus. It needs about two hours to reach the village.
     We arrived in the afternoon, for the first plan, we visit the village chief's house to ask permit and ask him more detail about the village.
     Mr. Phil, he is the village chief here, he lives with his wife and only daughter, he is very friendly person. When my friends are talking to him, there is something that divert my focus. I am staring a little girl in the corner of the room. She is about seven years old. She is similar with Mr. Phill, ahe looks beautiful with her big eyes and long hair, but she never smile and prefer to be alone. Not long, a woman come and embrace her.
     "Come on dear, don't be afraid" The woman approach her and she runs away spontantly.
     Kit is very curious about her. He asks the woman which is Mr Phil's wife and the little girl's mother. The woman's name is Miss Emma.
     "I am sorry, she is not like ordinary children. She never want to gather with others, her world is just me and her dad." Miss Emma tells us with looked down. Hearing Miss Emma tells about her daughter just make me throwback a few years ago. I am shocked at the time, maybe she is same with me.
     I just remember my worst years. When I was child, my mom told me that I never spook, maybe because I could not understand any language. Not like others children, I prefered to played with myself and did many strange things like rotating my body for many times and very slow in doing something. I also didn't care with people surounding me and felt very afraid to gather with my big family, neighbours, and friends. My world is just in my home, including my parents and my room. My uncles and aunts guessed me was a very shy girl, but after long time I was not changed. Until my parents decided to brought me to the doctor. The doctor said that I was sufferer Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is a developmental
disorder that affects communication and behavior. The sufferers feel very difficult to communicate and interact with other people, they have restricted interests repetitive behaviors.
     But, luckily I still had a big chance to be normal like others because he said it was mild category of autism levels. Knowing that, the doctor suggested my parents to always supported me everytime and they both are always be my motivators.
     My parents brought me to many therapist. Four years later, my condition was better. Although it was not normal yet. But I could understand a little bit of words in language,  gave responses, and follow an instruction from my mom.
     When I was seven years old, my parent sent me to a particular elementary school in my city. I had many experience looking children surrounding me. They all were kind, my world is full of them who had various disorder. Even, one of my best friends is a down syndrome sufferer.
Meanwhile, I kept did therapy at home with my personal doctor until I was twelve years old. It was amazing when he told my parents that I almost got recovery. Yeah, the doctor said ASD is one of the mental disorders that cannot be totally recover. It was just for minimize bad things. Theraphy just for treat and control patients to be better like they should. To found and developed their skill through many ways. For example, I was interested in Math since I knew it in the second grade. Although for the first, I just could finish some simple questions. Even, it was not according to the normal curriculum. But my doctor kept consulted with the teacher to helped me loving math more. He knew that I had special ability.
     I studied hard to be excellent in math, I didn't know why I was very interested and enjoyed every number that I looked, every task that I did. I tried my best until I graduated from particular elementary school, even particular junior high school at the same school.
     One thing that I could not forget. Because of my math examination score, I was considered by school principle to be a student in the popular state school. I never expected. This happened to me. Although, until now I don't know how to be good in interract with my classmates, even some of teachers. They don't know actually who I am, They have no idea about my background and my last story. They just know that I am a weird person, introvert one, likes to be alone and maybe a little bit of mysterious.

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