We're Friend (Part II)

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I have waited Kit for a few minutes, but he hasn't come. I sit on the city park bench. It is my first time has an appointment with someone outside school. Actually I feel a little bit dizzy when looking people around me, they are very crowded. Talking each other, playing together, moreover the weather is not too good now. It feels hot and I think I need a bottle of water.
"Hey, thanks for waiting me", suddenly Kit comes and sit by my side.
"It's for you, I know you're thirsty" he gives me a bottle of water.
Oh, I feel very lucky. Like he knows what I want without I say.
"I think we must move to other place, Fi. It's too hot here" Kit suggests me.
"Yes, you're right. Let's move there" I say while appoint the other bench under the tree. And we started our conversation.

👦 : What do you want to tell?
👩 : Uhm, but before may I ask you something?
👦 : Sure, you can ask me anything
👩 : Why are you so kind to me ?
👦 : Because I believe you are the good one, even if you are not I think it doesn't matter. Moreover you made me remember about my niece
👩 : Your niece ? Do you mean my face similar as her?
👦 : No, she is not similar as you. But she has unique behaviour. You both have similar character
👩 : Oh, I see
👦 : Hmm, she is actually kind-hearted girl, but she never show it to others. Yeah something like that but just let's forget it, by the way what do you want to tell?
👩 : Kit, I wanna tell you something. But you should keep my words. Don't tell this secret to anyone
👦 : Sure. But wait, you look so serious. What happened?
👩 : It relates why you always see me as too quiet or shy person. Actually, I was suffered by autism syndrome since I was three. It made me very difficult to communicate with others. I can't give my feedback well. Even, with strangers I feel too scare like they have intimidated me. But they doesn't.
👦 : I'm sorry, Fi. I never guess it happened to you before. I always force you to be like other. It must be hard for you
👩 : It's not your fault. You don't know
👦 : But, why you can talk to me fluently?
👩 : That's why I was grateful. I was detected as lowest level of autism. I joined many therapist until now I am. I was stated recovered, but you must be know that autism can't be one hundred percent recovered. That's why until now I can communicate, but just with very limited people who makes me don't afraid of them
👦 : Sure, you could be like that in front of me because I am a human not ghost, right?
👩 : Are you doing joke?
👦 : That's funny you !, most of people never ask like that. But, no problem. At least I have seen you smile. And maybe it is for the first time
👩 : Thanks, Kit
👦 : Anytime, and one thing that you have to know, autism is not a sin or a shame. It was a special gift that God has given to you. You don't need to feel embarassed
👩 : That's very kind of you
👦 : If you don't mind, I can help you
👩 : With pleasure. I am very grateful for that. Thanks Kit
👦 : Oh, come on. We are friend
👩 : Okay

We sit on the bench and enjoy the dusk together. I'm not believe I can do it. Having a friend and relate with him. Moreover, Kit is a good and care person. He never choose everyone who want to be his friend. But, sometimes I feel insecure when I look him. He, with every achievement that he has, with every good opinion about him, and with his charm that can attract many girl students. If I compare it with myself, just a weird girl who want to be normal like others, have many friends, play with them, laugh and eat at the canteen together. I know I'm too late and it will be so hard to be like that. But I keep happy, I have passed one step to be better person in society. Wish me luck !

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