Chapter 13

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Words - 1070
"Get ready Monster. We are Moving Out."


After declaring this, everything moved along quickly. You took 2 weeks off work, which you were allowed to do due to the additional shifts you were taking, to help with the packing, planning and actual moving of everything you had gathered over the soon to be 5 years of living there.

Ru and Baby Blue sorted everything extremely well, with Edge being the self-proclaimed 'manager'. Dreamer and Ink had been diligently assisting with the packing part, hurried along by Edge.

The last three skeletons, however, had been slightly less than helpful. Opting instead to stand/slouch/mope around making puns and jokes with minimal time in between. Conversations had started becoming ridiculously predictable:

'Comment on lack of work directed at the lazy skeletons

Pun in retaliation

Pun by a different skeleton for fun

Angry involvement of a 'Papyrus'

More puns just for the heck of it

Accidental pun by one more skeleton while trying to reprimand them (Baby Blue).

Pun in comment of the accidental pun (This is Ink because he likes drama).

A mention of the all together lack of work being done
(the only sensible skeleton there; Dreamer).

That kind of conversation had begun to occur so often that you started cracking up every time Ru started that first fatal sentence. Ru really did not appreciate it but when you mentioned it to Red (who you had gained a mutual understanding with) he also started to notice it, causing him to laugh as well.

That caused this to occur:


Cue muffled chuckles from Red and a spluttering of laughs from you. Ru sighed and a shadow of a look passed over Monsters face, which you did not miss but decided to put of asking about until later.


You slowed your giggles and walked over to him. You rested your arm on Monsters skull. He was slumping over on the floor. You could tell he was half conscious as, when Ru had started to lift him of the floor, he had actually stirred instead of blatantly ignoring everything that was being said and done to him.

"I merely noticed that skeletons might actually not have anything in their skulls."

A kind of half-laugh-half-cough came from the skeleton you were leaning on, while an actual snort came from Red. It was quickly muffled however, after a glare was sent his way by Edge, who had entered to room as you spoke.


You half-turned to look at him and waggled your finger.

"Well, my sharply-spoken friend. I have observed your conversations over the last week and you all appear to have the same reply's and statements repeatedly."

You shrugged innocently, your arm still resting on the now more or less aware Monster.

"I simply found it amusing that there are 8 skeletons living in a cramped house and all seem to be incapable of coherent thought."

You shook your head in mock disappointment while Red and Monster stifled laughed as he noticed what you were talking about. Ru gave up listening to you and left to be more productive elsewhere.

"I thought some of you were meant to be scientists, working with Wing Ding Gaster himself, yet you can't..."

At the mention of Gaster, Edge had gritted his teeth together harshly and Red had massively flinched. Monster didn't react much. Monster had told you all about Gaster, though all he had actually explained was their relations as you knew about Gaster from... before.

Ru still didn't completely remember Gaster, something both you and Monster were relatively relieved about due to what he did, but he knew the general idea of who he was.

You silently gasped in horror as a thought crossed your mind. They were from Underfell, where everything was so much crueler. So how bad must their Gaster of been based on how bad the 'Originals' Gaster was.

"Shit, I am so sorry for bringing him up."

You decided the best corse of action was a quick subject change based on how the Underfell Skeletons worked.

"Anyway, Monster. We may get a visit from Alex at some point."

Monsters skull whipped up from his place to look at you, nocking your arm off of it. His left eye socket had a hint of blue in it at the mention of Alex. You shuffled uncomfortably. This would be an effective conversation changer, but that didn't mean you were particularly happy with it.


You shivered and took a step back from him, raising your arms up in a form of surrender. Monsters voice was dark and it was clear that he was annoyed at the mere speaking of Alex's name. At least it was helpful at its goal.

You glanced at the two edgy skeletons and both were looking amused at the scene between the two. You weren't entirely convinced by Red though. He played it well, but you could see his phalanges still slightly trembling at his sides and the effervescence of what looked like red steam coming from one of his sockets hadn't fully diminished, though it was hardly noticeable.

You turned your attention swiftly back to Monster as he clicked his phalanges in front of you.

"Well, I may or may not have bumped into them on my way back from work a couple days back and I also may or may not of given them my new number to shut them up. Since them they may of possibly been spam texting me threats and harassments to talk to them and possibly following me to and from work and maybe also taken pictures of me without permission.... Maybe."


Monster stood up and looked at you. His eye lights were gone. He put out his skeletal hand and waited.

"Give. Me. Your. Phone."

Yep, you knew it.

You were really uncomfortable with the chosen subject change.

Hola, mi amigos. ❤️

Sorry if it's short. I haven't been feeling very productive lately and didn't really want to force myself to write something if I wasn't going to enjoy it.

Cause that's what life is all about.

Enjoying it!

I hope you have a lovely quarantined life and stay healthy.


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