day 2, 3/17/20, Tuesday, 21:10

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    Today my mom and I went to buy groceries at Sam's club and Woodman's to buy food and laundry supplies. There was a lot of people at both stores.
    When we arrived back home, my sister and I worked on school work and practiced our instruments. At 16:15, we have violin lessons through google duo. It went really well, surprisingly.
    At 18:00 I left for dance class. Most of the girls were there, as expected. Eight of us in total, nine if you include the teacher.
    Back at home, I took a shower to finish with more disappointing news. My school didn't have a designated date to open, so we would be on break in the meantime. It's only been two days and it's already horrible.
    So far, my activities are suspended, school is set for a long recess, but luckily my piano lessons are open. It's done in my piano teachers house and she isn't closing up soon.

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