11/16/20, monday (rant)

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    I think I might do these twice a month. One at the beginning and then in the middle to see how everything is going. But I'm probably jixing it by typing it down. anyways......

    So we have a new elected President. I don't really know what I have to say about the election. I just know that there are some really bad groups of people that have been around for a while that don't like different people. And that as someone of those different people, that I want to be treated like everyone else. And that there's a global pandemic and we need to figure out how to cure those who are infected with it. And that the earth is dying because of us and we need to figure out how to heal it. I get why Trump supporters support Trump, but right now there is some things that are more important. 

    My state is currently filled with covid cases so we're probably going to go into lock down AGAIN. It wasn't really that bad though, but having my after school activities at home is a lot more frustrating than I anticipated. And it's frustrating that those who are able to stay at home refuse to. ALSO to add onto frustrating things, there are families that don't have good enough wifi to support their families. There is a vaccine, BUT there are people that are paranoid about microchips in them so the government can track them. OH AND THE F**KING PEOPLE THAT "don't give a fuck" AND "want to live how they want", I get that if you do die, you want to die peacefully. I want to too! But you might be the reason someone else gets it. A lot of you are influencers and people look up to you. But if you wanted to be someone famous on the internet and you're not using that power you have correctly, you probably don't deserve that power. Good that you're sharing that you would rather be out with friends instead of being cooped up at home, but that's not showing kindness to other people around you. 

    I'm sorry not many people even read this little journal thing and you probably read that big rant on me being mad about celebrities that decide that they're suddenly immune to covid. In other news, I'm going to try crocheting! I think it's very cool, although some people say it's a little hard. 


My corona/2020 journelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя