7/14/20, tuesday

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    Life's kinda back to normal now. My regular school year schedule actually. There are actually states that have to close down again because a massive growth in cases. New Zealand had announced they're almost case free, because THEY listened to healthcare professionals. I REALLY wish America could do that. And what are people who don't wear mask and social distance thinking? How do they think we'll take control of covid19?
    Anyway in recent weeks, I went to go out was to check up on my elderly neighbor Carmen. I entertained her and her husband while they gardened. They really like the arts and appreciated my playing. When I was done they talked to me about growing up and what I was thinking about doing later in life. Really let me think about since I have 4 years until college. Well maybe not right away. On Saturday, my family and I drove up north to a cherry orchard to pick cherries. Dad wanted us to leave early so we'll have more time to finish our pergola at home. We had picked 27 pounds worth of cherries! And we still had a lot of strawberries left from the strawberry farm a while ago. The orchard staff instructed everyone to stay at least 1-2 trees away from eachother. Not a lot of people wore masks though.
    At the beginning of this month my sister and I started summer school. It was Monday through Thursday Google meets and another learning program we have to do assignments on. My teacher is pretty nice. And some kids in my class I knew already. But we don't really stay on the meet for long, we just have a quick English or math lesson and then log onto the program.
    I'm supposed to come back to school in about two months now. It feels really weird that I might be physically back with classmates. My mom and dad are worried because we'll be so exposed. I don't mind starting school again but I'm worried about that too.

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