6/27/20, saturday

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     Throughout quarentine and now, my mom has started redecorating and changing some bits of the house. The first one was when she pushed my dad into getting these racks to put out clothes in our closets. She didn't like dressers and thought they took up too much room. If only she thought the same with my bed. I'm thankful to have my own room and bed though. But I think she's changing a lot because she can. During quarentine she didn't have to drive my sister and I to any after-school activities, and I think she was happy to spend more time with us. Her and dad seem to be bonding more too. That's my favorite part of all the isolation.
    Yesterday, dad took the family to an amusement park 2 hours away. My parents said that they're excited for my drivers license so I could take turns driving while they could rest. The park wasn't open yet so mom showed us a little detour trip that we could take, strawberry picking. It was pretty hot by then. Of course my sister and I made it a competition against our parents even though we would combine our collectings at the end. When we were done, we had 46 pounds of strawberry. Then at home we cut them up and packed them in bags ending up with 16 bags of strawberry. Mom was planning to make cake, scones, jam, and smoothies out of it all.
    Then at eleven we had lunch while we waited for the park to open. Luckily the amusement park was near Lake Michigan so it was pretty windy. The amusement park had procedures set so that after every ride seats were disinfected. The only rollercoaster they had was called the "zippen-pippen" and it lived up to its name. My sister isn't a big fan of rollercoasters but rode it anyway. We stayed for four hours, we could be stayed longer but it started raining and the park started shutting down rides.

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