Monday, 12/7/20

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    Well, hello hello hello! It's finally December, the last month of the year. Now, you must be wondering, are you ending this little series of yours? Yes I will be ending it, since it was my quarentine/2020 journal. I might write more this month, but since I've put that down I jinxed the chances of that happening.

    Let's start our monthly update with the current Corona Virus cases. In my state, there are 441k cases. In the whole country, there are 14.8 MILLION cases. 

Current hot spots are: 

Current hot spots are: 

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[Picture provided by CDC]

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[Picture provided by CDC]

As you can see, most of the land locked states have very high cases. Around the North of the west and east coast, there are a lot less cases! I think a few months ago my state was pretty high, and we couldn't really get out. Not necessarily lock down though, just highly recommended we don't go out of the state.


    I've finished Christmas decorating. Christmas isn't my favorite holiday, but it's nice. There's so much associated with it and you kinda get to end the year nicely. And since I'm Filipino, my family goes out for Dinagyang. It's when you go to church for a week. And then you get to eat afterwards. I don't think we'll be going this year. But if we do, it'll probably be limited.

    School has been okay. Had a few scares when my Chromebook wouldn't turn on. I have ended up changing the book for my report because I don't like the one I currently have. Every time I read it, the words just seem to drone on. Luckily, I got to re-choose and pick something I really wanted to read. I have a geometry assessment coming up soon, and I'm a bit worried. I love my teacher, she's great and is always happy to see us at 8 AM. What I'm learning is a little hard to understand. Some of the answers I put down for our practice could be right, but it's really this answer because it's right. That's what offs me. I don't even need this in my future. ASA? SSA? SSS? What will I even need it for. Unless I do embrace my passion for maths, I most likely won't need this. 

    Last week, the toilet paper outage came back. I still don't know why people started getting a bunch of toilet paper in the first place, but a second time? This is just another way of saying I have limited toilet paper. 

    But that's not a big issue. It's starting to get pretty cold out. I hate the cold, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too. I wish I could help people who aren't able to have access to heating systems. My goal is to own a big enough house to let someone or a few people to stay warm in the cold. Kinda like a halfway house. I really want to be one of those really good foster parents. The ones that are not abusive you know? Like Reginald Hargreeves (without giving the kids daddy problems), or the Mom from Promised Neverland (without the child sacrificing). 

Stay safe, stay warm, and take care of yourself! Thanks for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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