6/15/20, tuesday

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    It has been two(?) weeks since quarentine was over in my state. Pretty great. But the only going out is to help get more plants for mom's garden. I found a little frog there, but she, my mother, said not to leave it alone. I wasn't going to anyways. I did go out to my friends house for a while  on Wednesday. Pretty fun, we watched the ring and had a nerf gun fight.
    Over the weekend, my family met up with some friends. We went to this small amusement park an hour away from home and the weather was nice. Once we stepped in though, the adults and kids split up. The eldest of the kids group was me and this other girl that's like a year older than me. And then the kids went on the train that goes around the whole thing and our parents couldn't find us. Hahaha yes funny. Then on the way home, there was this person selling sweet corn and of course our parents made a u-turn and bought some.

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