Saturday 5/30/20, #Blacklivesmatter post

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    We are living in one of the most eventful years in history. SO much has happened since day one of 2020. We are only in May, almost in June, and we've gone through: The possibility of world war 3, a pandemic, murder hornets, and right now, people are protesting for the incarceration of the murder of a black man.
    There are so many taken lives because of the color of their skin, their religion, or their sexuality. Most of their deaths haven't even been acknowledged by mainstream media. In this day in age, we have the power of platforms and communications that allow us to let them be known.
    Black people aren't dangerous, Asians aren't a virus, Mexicans aren't illegal, and Native Americans aren't savages. And if I remember my US history class correctly, America had taken land and committed mass genocide as they were colonizing this land.
    Every single day, racism is taken in action. In my own state, a white mothers black son was falsely arrested because the officers thought she was being robbed. It is 2020, this should not be a problem, and if you think otherwise you are part of the problem.

Racism was the original form of bullying.

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