Saturday, 5/3/2020

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I went to the park today with my mom and sister. There was surprisingly a lot of people there. We walked/biked three miles which is a lot, but felt a lot more than that. AND THERE WERE SO MANY DOGS. I know it's normal for dogs to be at a park but there were so many! In the middle of our walk it started raining, but it was just a sprinkle. After our walk we had pork barbeque, which was so great because  I like my mom's barbeque the most, and we had ice cream. My legs are still so tired.
   Later we watched this movie about love and my mom kept saying "oh I did the same thing for your dad" when a sweet part came up.
    All of my end of the year trips have been postponed. I don't get to graduate middle school so that's a bummer dude. But there's a lot more people going through worse than me.

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