9/5/20, Saturday

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    School season has started! In my city there are in-person schools and online school but my school district is online until "hopefully" November. I'm just hoping there will be a vaccine making it's debut really soon. I like the idea of being at home most of the time, but the disease needs to be controlled. And it the increasing change if there wasn't so many get-togethers without masks and proper social distancing. Last month there was a school in Georgia that had an outbreak on the FIRST DAY.
    Apparently there is a vaccine they're trying but it's kinda like the flu vaccine. But if covid is like the flu x10 then I don't really think it will do a lot of damage. idk it was just according to my doctor. The damage part was according to me though.
    Now that school has started and I'll be having a much more busier schedule, I feel like I've done NOTHING over the six months we were inside. I feel so lazy. All I mostly did was just watch tv. I did try to be more productive though. Waking up early to do a little workout, doing more chores around the house, but a lot of that didn't last. I guess with school opening and my after school activities opening (with precautions), I'll feel exhausted at the end of the day but I'll feel like I'm doing something in my life.

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